EPS Comfacundi: Supersalud orders to liquidate him


The constant complaints from affiliates of The Health Program of the Family Compensation Fund of Cundinamarca (Comfacundi) has ordered the liquidation of the EPS from the Health Superintendency.

The worst is that patients with conditions such as cervical and breast cancer indicated that entity management was nil compared to the required treatments.

“It has a low compliance in the indicators that evaluate risk management for diseases such as: cardiovascular, renal function, controlled diabetics, controlled hypertensive, among others”, adds Supersalud.

It is for the reasons indicated above that the supervisory body has determined it EPS poses a risk to the life and health of its affiliates in Bogotá and Cundinamarca.

Affiliated to EPS Confacundi

Comfacundi currently has an approximate value of 174,000 affiliates in Bogotá and 23 municipalities of Cundinamarca. Germán Augusto Guerrero Gómez, delegate for superhealth special measures, said that citizens will be transferred to other insurers.

While such a process is taking place, the sanctioned body is obliged to continue to provide the corresponding services to the affiliates.


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