Elton John signs a column calling for the systematization of the HIV test


The musician and singer, committed to the fight against AIDS, believes this new approach would allow the government to deliver on its promise to end contamination by the end of the decade.

At the end of“A year in which another virus made headlines”, and the day after World AIDS Day, Elton John picked up the pen to access The independent a grandstand bearer of a complaint, reprized on the front page on 2 December: “Let’s try the VIH a habit for everyone “ in England, without taking it into account “Ethnicity, gender, age or sexual orientation”.

First of all, the famous British musician, involved in the fight against AIDS through his foundation, remembers it “38 million people around the world live with VIH, is “We can’t forget them”.

He adds “About 5,900 people live with without knowing it VIH in England”. A problem that the National Health Service (NHS), the British public health system, must take hold, says Elton John:

The best thing these people can do to protect themselves and others is to know their situation through a test. VIH. “

These “Recommendations” they are, according to the composer of Candle in the wind, essential step to complete “The welcome commitment expressed in January 2019 by Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock to end the broadcast of VIH in England in 2030 “.


Founded in 1986, The independent is one of the titles of the quality British press. It is also the first general newspaper to become a 100% online newspaper.
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