Electron 11 with support for Apple M1


19. November 2020 – The Electron Cross-Platform Framework is available in version 11.0.1 and offers native support for Apple Silicon.

The Electron team has released version 11 of its JavaScript framework of the same name: after Electron 11.0 on November 16, an improved version 11.0.1 is already available. Electron is based on Node.js and Chromium and allows the development of platform-independent desktop applications based on web technologies: one example is the popular Atom code editor.

Arguably the most notable innovation in version 11 is support for Apple’s internal Mac SoCs, specifically the M1 chip, which is installed in early Mac models recently introduced with Apple Silicon. There are now two separate Electron versions for Mac for devices with Intel CPUs and those with Apple M1 SoCs. In the release notes for the new version, Electronjs.org describes Apple’s silicon builds as experimental. More information can be found in a blog post about the release announcement.

As for the other changes: in Electron 11, some experimental APIs have been removed, including the Browserview ID property. The new version includes updates to Chromium (87), Node.js (12.18.3) and Javascript Engine V8 (8.7). V8 brings the new report on parameter crashes, with which you can set error notifications and information about their location. (ubi)


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