El Dandy, a bullfighter of passion and dedication, is dead; exceptional human being – Bulls in the World


We received from Pereira, Colombia, the sad, very sad news reporting the death of the Master Edgar García The DandyAfter recovering from Covid, his lungs could not resist and at 4:30 pm on Saturday 21 November, his spirit transcended the universe.

The Dandy He was a bullfighter who fought a lot to win a place in the art of bullfighting, from an early age in Colombia, and he did so also in Spain, where he began his journey as a bullfighter; On the basis of the iron discipline he conquered the dream of the alternative and so in Manizales (Colombia), on January 22, 1995 at the hands of José Antonio Campuzano, and as a witness Tomás Campuzano with the bulls of Ernesto Gutiérrez he acquired the degree of doctor in bullfighting .

The Dandy He deeply loved the art of bullfighting, therefore, he evolved by magic, tradition, honesty, he fought for the unspeakable pleasure of creating and transcending. So each afternoon he evolved through his artistic creations.

I fight for the immense pleasure of being a bullfighter“, So he always affirmed to all those who knew him.

In his life he always supported all the people who approached him, not only the bullfighters, but all those who came with a problem, he helped them selflessly.

In recent years he has organized parties to support all those young bullfighters who, being marginalized, have not had the opportunity to express their qualities; The Dandy He supported them and even shared a poster with them.

An exceptional human being left today, a true gentleman in and out of the ring; a misunderstood bullfighter who struggled to assert his truth.

We send all of us who make up the Torosenel World family Our condolences to your beloved family for such an irreparable loss.

Rest in peace admired DandyYou have fully realized yourself here on Earth and will now continue to transcend into the universe.

Tell yourself the truth … even if it causes a scandal!





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