Eating too many eggs increases the risk of diabetes


Be careful if eggs are your sweet tooth: eat them in moderation. According to an Australian study, eating too much eggs increases the risk of diabetes by 60%.

Excessive egg consumption increases diabetes risk by 60%

Scrambled, soft-boiled, hard-boiled, soft or in an omelette: eggs are delicious. Some people are totally present employee and they eat it every day but it is better that they stop the habit According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of South Australia in collaboration with the University of Medicine of China and the University of Qatar, excessive consumption of eggs would be harmful to health.

The study found that people who regularly ate one or more eggs per day (the equivalent of 50 grams) increased their risk of diabetes by 60%. Note that this effect is more pronounced in women than in men. For example, in China, a country where many eggs are consumed, the prevalence of diabetes exceeds 11%. This is more than the world average with a diabetes rate of 8.5%.

Eating too many eggs: a public health and economic problem

Excessive egg consumption has become a public health problem as well as an economic one. The study reveals it the financial impact of diabetes accounts for 10% of global health expenditure ($ 760 billion).

According to Dr. Li, if these findings suggest that increased egg consumption is positively associated with diabetes risk in Chinese adults, more research is needed to explore cause-and-effect relationships. “ To beat diabetes, there must be a multifaceted approach that includes not only research, but also a set of clear guidelines to help inform and guide the public. This study is a step towards this long-term goal “, We read in MedicaXpress.

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