Earth and black hole – Curated by: Miguel Homero Balza Lima


The Earth and the black hole, the Earth, belong to the expanding universe, just like the Solar System, as do the millions of solar stars in the Milky Way and, like the black hole, it belongs to the universe. in contraction. The expanding universe and the contracting universe, congruent hazy contradictory limit cases, in widespread dialectical dynamic equilibrium, both as an excess and defect of Aristotelian Great Morality, and as an exclusive third and third also of the Aristotelian Organonic Oxymoron Logical Treatise. What teaches that they must have a medium in the middle, and that medium is the deep Aristotelian medium. In the expanding universe and the contracting universe, the medium is in Einstein’s unified holistic theory, as well as, it can be said, no more than so to speak, Teilhard’s unified reflective universal center. In that theory and in that center there must always be the balance, the contradictory complementary balance, which man and woman cannot reach, neither science nor humanity, and, since they cannot, indicate that the Earth has If it is destroyed, the Earth must be engulfed by a black hole and, forgetting the widespread dialectical dynamic equilibrium, all the hazy borderline chaos with groups, and especially the said universes.

With digressions and without digressions, these reflections come from what Aporrea published, Tuesday 12/01/2020, “They create a new map of the Milky Way: The Earth is near a supermassive hole. Map of the speed and position of the Milky Way. A new map of the Milky Way created by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) shows that the Earth is spiraling faster and is more than 2,000 light years away. closer to the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy than previously thought. In 1985, the International Astronomical Union announced that Earth was 27,700 light-years away from the black hole, called Sagittarius A *. But an analysis of 15 years through the Japanese radio astronomy project VERA found that the Earth is actually only 25,800 light years away. They also found that the Earth is moving 7 km / s faster than previously believed . Sagittarius A * and similar black holes The s are called “supermassive” for a reason: they are billions of times more massive than the sun. But the NAOJ said there is nothing to worry about, as the latest data does not indicate the planet is “sinking into the black hole”. It simply means that there is now a “better model of the Milky Way”. Using the VERA Catalog of Astrometry, the scientists created a position and velocity map showing the center of the Milky Way and the objects residing within it. The first VERA astrometry catalog was released this year and includes data from 99 objects. The positioning indicates that the Earth orbits the Galactic Center, where the black hole is located, at 227 km / s. Astronomers initially thought the orbit had a speed of 220 km / s. “Since the Earth is inside the Milky Way, we can’t step back and see what the Galaxy looks like from the outside,” the NAOJ said in a news release. “Astrometry, the precise measurement of the positions and movements of objects, is a vital tool for understanding the overall structure of the galaxy and our place in it.” VERA, Very Long Baseline Interferometry Radio Astrometry Scan, was created in 2000 and uses interferometry to aggregate data from radio telescopes located throughout Japan. Through the project, scientists can create the same resolution as a 2,300km-diameter telescope, which “is sharp enough in theory to resolve an American penny placed on the moon’s surface,” NAOJ said. NAOJ scientists hope to collect data on even more objects, focusing on those that are close to Sagittarius A *. “

With digressions and without digressions, in which the ignorance of this rare cleuasmic donkey priest is affirmed and assured, no doubt, that scientists, of the expanding universe, believe it, that is, an expanding universe, because George Gamov, said that we live in a curved space closed in on itself and in continuous expansion, supported by Albert Einstein, who would say of curved space, by the curvature that light undergoes, not by grammatical attraction, but by gravitational attraction, previously proved eclipse, and , from there, the idea of ​​expansion and what is closed by the curvature of light will be taken, and the geometry of the expanding universe will be configured. And that the theory of contradictory and hazy borderline cases must make its maid respond to expansion, and, it must be contraction, here it is, the expanding universe and the contracting universe, in equilibrium, equilibrium complementary contradictory, desired by all Venezuelans and worldly beings. For the expanding universe and the contracting universe in equilibrium, the complementary contradictory equilibrium, while nature and person, does not reach the said equilibrium, in the narrow stretch between the said and the fact, while between the Earth and the black hole There must be that balance, the contradictory complementary balance, so desired by all of humanity with so much pandemic.

With the vagueness and without the vagueness, the Milky Way is there, there doesn’t have to be a new map. The earth moves and rotates in a spiral, in this it coincides with the second law of dialectics, the true historical Ludovicosilvaian spiral sinusoidal movement, increasingly, in diffuse dynamic equilibrium, just like the Earth and the black hole, with changes, in motion. , in transformations, in a flow as much as the flow of the river Heraclitus fluctuating harmonic simultaneous contradictory balanced complementary. This, man and woman, the complementary contradictory equilibrium, could not reach, the complementary contradictory equilibrium, a continuous struggle, a unity of opposites, there, in the profound Aristotelian environment, that is, the essential Hegelian intellectual synthesis . Marxist, the contradictory complementary balance, between the quantitative and the qualitative, between the thesis and the antithesis. More and more, the contradictory complementary balance must be found in the profound Aristotelian environment, between the excess and the defect of the Great Morality and, between the third exclusive and the third also of the Logical Treatise, mentioned above, in which the balance must occur, the contradictory complementary balance, which also and still exists among the universes, and which the profound philosophy of Hesse has, the contradictory complementary balance, between science and spiritual ethical aesthetics. Just as the abysmal Jewish faith between certainty and doubt, between certainty and uncertainty, between hope and despair, between conviction and non-conviction, between visible and invisible. The balance, the complementary contradictory balance, exists, and men and women have not been able to grasp it, and, increasingly, it must be, in fact in full execution, the events in full swing, in the real movement. Ludovicosilva’s historical sinusoidal spiral, difficult to learn and to learn from the human mind, in the strict way of saying and doing. The complementary and contradictory balance, between the Earth and the black hole, exists, it is true, and that the VERA Catalog of Astrometry, the scientists who created the map of position and velocity, were not able to learn or learn it. .

If there is the contradictory complementary balance between the Earth and the black hole, it is true. So it is said that it must be in the deep Aristotelian milieu, in a narrow way, as if it were said and done. Ergovergo it must be said that there is the expanding universe and the contracting universe, and that the earth belongs to the expanding universe, and the black hole belongs to the contracting universe. Ergo vergo it can be said that the Earth and the black hole are in dynamic dialectical equilibrium diffused forever, since that movement is as eternal as the change, as the Marxist Hegelian Heraclitus transformation.

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