Early Interferon Treatment Can Relieve Severe Corona Symptoms … Know the Details


A recent review revealed treatments for Coronavirus, published in a journal International immunopharmacology The advantage of interferons in the fight against Crown Cases Acute.

Although most infections are asymptomatic or mild, they are transmitted to viral pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and death in a small but significant minority.

Interferon therapy
Interferon therapy

Interferons in immunity

Interferons are natural proteins that have a wide range of actions against viruses and inflammatory processes and bind to specific cell surface receptors to activate the JAK-STAT pathway, which in turn mediates the transcription of IFN stimulatory genes (ISG ). There are three types, types I and II, they are pro-inflammatory and facilitate the destruction of infected cells. , Inactivation of viruses with antibodies and cleaning of cellular and viral debris.

The third type is anti-inflammatory, prevents virus replication within infected cells and improves the integrity of the epithelial barrier.

Hence the first type is required for early viral containment within infected cells, but is associated with a lethal pathway in ongoing infection, due to the irregular immune response.

According to a Chinese study, early use of interferon could reduce hospital deaths if given early, but in the later stages, the mortality rate increased in COVID-19.

Interferons may also be useful in viral diseases such as hepatitis and can reduce mortality and shorten the duration of the disease CrownTrials are underway for its inhalable form in patients with COPD or asthma, with very encouraging results.


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