E-cigarettes associated with depressive symptoms and addiction.


This is a finding that may clearly surprise most e-cigarette users who have quit smoking. In fact, in recent years, some studies have suggested an association between e-cigarette use and depressive symptoms.


These are recent data from the French epidemiological cohort Constance which has just confirmed that electronic cigarettes are associated with depressive symptoms, with a dose-dependent relationship and linked to the concentration of nicotine used.

The objectives of this study were to examine the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between depressive symptoms and e-cigarette use in a large sample of the population, taking into account smoking and socio-demographic confounding factors. “, Explain Emmanuel Wiernik, researcher at Inserm.
The Constances cohort includes volunteers aged between 18 and 69 covered by Cnam-ts. Participants were included from February 2012 to December 2016. Age, gender, and educational level were reported at the start of the study, as well as smoker status (never smokers, former smokers, current smokers), use of electronic cigarette (never, old, current) and nicotine concentration in mg / ml.

“Nicotine concentration and depressive symptoms were positively associated”

Depressive symptoms were assessed using the scale center for epidemiological studies on depression (CES-D). Associations between depressive symptoms and baseline e-cigarette use were adjusted for age, gender, and education.

The results, involving 35,337 subjects, showed that depressive symptoms (i.e. a CES-D score ≥ 19) were associated with current e-cigarette use. with a dose-dependent relationship. “, highlighted Emmanuel Wiernik. Furthermore, depressive symptoms were positively associated with nicotine concentration in e-cigarette users.

Similarly, in the longitudinal analyzes (30,818 people followed up to 2017), depressive symptoms present at baseline were associated, during follow-up, with current use of e-cigarettes (2.02 [1,72-2,37]) with a dose-dependent relationship.

These associations were particularly significant among smokers or former smokers at baseline.

In people who smoked at the start of the study, depressive symptoms were associated with joint use (tobacco and e-cigarettes) at follow-up (1.58 [1,41-1,77]). In former smokers, they were associated with smoking alone (1.52 [1,34-1,73]) or the use of the electronic cigarette only (2.02 [1,64-2,49]), but not the consumption of both.

Depressive symptoms were positively associated with the use of e-cigarettes in cross-sectional and longitudinal analyzes, with a dose-dependent relationship. Furthermore, nicotine concentration and depressive symptoms were positively associated, curriculum Emmanuel Wiernik. ISn practice, in depressed patients, it is advisable to pay attention to their consumption of electronic cigarettes (and / or tobacco); conversely in those who consume electronic cigarettes (and / or tobacco), it is necessary to look for depressive symptoms “.

source : lequotidiendumedecin.fr
She studies : Wiernik E et al. E-cigarette use is associated with depressive symptoms among smokers and former smokers: cross-sectional and longitudinal findings from the Constances cohort. Addictive Behaviors 2019: 85-91

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