Some sources report that the creator of Telegram will probably present his TON project at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Meanwhile, the trial version of the platform is available to some investors, with the official launch scheduled for the second half of this year.
This week, the World Economic Forum will be held in Davos. It is an important event that brings together businessmen, leaders of different states and exceptional figures to discuss and understand ways to shape a better world. In 2018, the forum was attended by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, as well as top managers of Google and Apple, US President Donald Trump, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and UK Prime Minister Theresa May.
This year the main theme on the agenda is dedicated to globalization and interaction during the fourth industrial revolution.
Pavel Durov, the creator of a popular Telegram messenger, has also previously participated in the Forum, but has not presented projects or developments to the general public. This year everything could change, as some media suggest that Durov could use the platform of the World Economic Forum to present its project based on the blockchain Telegram Open Network (TON) and digital currency Gram to experts and businessmen. .
TON to host a new generation of Cryptos
Telegram's open network aims to be a competitor of Ethereum for the launching and execution of smart contracts and decentralized applications. TON is based on distributed registers protected by cryptography. At the center there is a scalable and flexible blockchain architecture consisting of a master chain and up to 292 blockchain accompaniment.
Through the symbolic sale of its native cryptography, called Grams, the company raised $ 1.7 billion. Investors were ready to get their tokens in December 2018, but the company did not expect to be listed on a large stock exchange until 2019.
In November 2018, the TON platform was ready for 70%. As reported, all the components necessary for the execution of its smart contracts have been "fully implemented and tested internally", but some changes were expected to be made.
According to anonymous sources familiar with the issue, the trial version of the platform is already available to some investors and the official launch of the TON platform is scheduled for the second half of this year.
Information on the World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum is the international organization for public-private cooperation. It was founded in 1971 as a non-profit foundation and is based in Geneva, Switzerland. The forum is not linked to any particular interest.
By involving key political, business and other players in society to shape global, regional and industrial programs, the Forum demonstrates entrepreneurship in the global public interest while maintaining the highest standards of governance.
The activities are modeled by a unique institutional culture based on the theory of stakeholders, according to which an organization is responsible for all parts of society. The institution carefully mixes and balances the best of many types of organizations, from both the public and private sectors, from international organizations and academic institutions.