“Duel around the world”: Joko puts Luke Mockridge in agony


“Duel around the world”: Joko puts Luke Mockridge in agony

Aaaaaahhhhhhh! Image: screenshot prosieben

In the ProSieben program “Duell um die Welt” it is part of the concept to put candidates in extreme situations. Saturday night was the same. Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf have to come up with tasks that are as unpleasant as possible for the participants of the other team.

Among other things, Klaas brought comedy star Luke Mockridge to his team because he managed to have “hit Saturday 1”. That was reason enough for Klaas, he evidently trusted him to do everything. But apparently he wasn’t expecting such an extreme task as Joko had thought. “I wanted to catch Luke Mockridge’s laugh,” the moderator said early on. In the beginning it all started more or less harmless.

Joko sends Luke to the Czech Republic – very nastily

Luke has gone to the Czech Republic. However, he is not as comfortable as he should be used to as a TV star. For the trip, Luke was tied to the car roof. But the comedian didn’t let himself worry. Even a little water on his face couldn’t hurt him in full wind. When he woke up with a stun gun that night and took a gazpacho shower, he was visibly irritated at first, but he endured that too without complaint.

Breakage of the safety rope and fall of the flight instructor

The next day we went – back to the roof of the car – to the airfield. “We will hang you from a plane at a height of about 2000 meters. We will get you out at the back of the aft ramp, ”said flight instructor Gernot. When the plane finally took off, Luke’s tension slowly increased. But when he was pushed off the plane higher, he found his laugh again. He enjoyed the beautiful view and enthusiastically exclaimed: “I am the king of the world”. In his mind he had already mastered the task.

He looks uncomfortable. image: screenshot prosieben

But obviously Joko had an unexpected ace up his sleeve with which he should have scared the hell out of Luke. Suddenly a safety rope broke and flew off. “Something’s wrong,” Luke said in a panic. To be saved, he then pressed the red button. What he didn’t know: The safety rope was redundant and had been intentionally cut to terrorize Luke. When Gernot then abseiled by Luke to save him, he suddenly fell into the depths. Luke was really in a panic now. Back on the plane, the shock of the fallen Gernot was written on his face.

In fact, the whole action was planned exactly this way. Obviously Gernot had a parachute, as Joko explained with a smile. And Klaas remarked sarcastically: “Otherwise it would be in bad taste.” Only when Luke got back to solid ground was he informed of the situation.

“Of course now you might be angry and say, ‘Joko, sick, disgusting, disturbed pig, how can you do this to a person?'” Luke said. But then he could laugh again at the bad assignment. “I was so fucking scared,” he smiled, visibly relieved by the outcome of the task.


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