Don’t ignore the mild symptoms of the corona … it could suddenly lead to fatal complications


Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, India conducted a study of Corona patients suffering from serious medical conditions, and it was shown that this was mainly due to ignorance of the test when symptoms appeared COVID for the first time.

The hospital said, according to a website report, ” thehealthsite “It receives patients suffering from high temperature, severe muscle and muscle pain, stroke, leg clotting, pulmonary fibrosis and heart failure, which are the classic manifestations of COVID-19.

Clinical investigation of 30 of these patients revealed that they had never undergone a test for the virus despite the appearance of mild symptoms of the disease, believing that the symptoms would go away on their own.

The mild symptoms and complications of Corona
The mild symptoms and complications of Corona

Failure to perform the test can lead to complications and death

Dr Atul Kakar, Deputy Director of the Department of Internal Medicine, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, India, said: “These patients were rushed to the hospital when their mild complications began to progress. COVIDComplications included high temperature, severe muscle and body pain, stroke, leg clots, pulmonary fibrosis, and heart failure.

He added: “In the last month alone, we have treated nearly 30 patients from COVID Caused by moderate to large complications without testing COVID, And antibody tests were found COVID In all of these patients to be positive, these patients had lung, nervous system, heart and blood vessel infections.

In addition, many patients with pulmonary involvement require oxygen supplements and some special medications, and doctors say these patients could have avoided the acute phase of the disease if they had chosen early screening and treatment for the disease at its onset.

Get tested at the slightest hint of symptoms

According to doctors, people with any of the mild symptoms of: COVID To take it seriously, they must be tested promptly and must be under medical supervision.

Doctors have warned that any continuation or deterioration should be reported urgently, while Corona disease is still a confined disease in most cases, testing and supervision are still needed in all types of patients, especially the elderly. , those with weakened immunity or those who suffer from underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and lung or kidney disease. It affects different people in different ways. Most of those affected will have mild to moderate illness and recover from isolation at home. “

Common symptoms to watch out for

The most common symptoms of this deadly viral infection are:


dry cough

Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath


Aches and pains

Burning throat



He retched

Stomach ache

Lack of appetite

Unusual symptoms to watch out for

COVID-19 is an unpredictable disease that can affect different people in different ways. Its symptoms also vary. In addition to the common symptoms mentioned above, here are some unusual signs of the disease.



Loss of sense of taste or smell

A rash on the skin

Discoloration of the fingers or toes


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