dog owners are at a higher risk of contracting the virus


Revision Environmental research recently published a study on how Covid-19 spreads among people. It is based on the sex, age, profession, habitat of the patients … but also, among other things, on their lifestyle. Several elements emerge from this research conducted by the team of Miguel Rodríguez-Barranco, a specialist in public health. They teach us, for example, that home delivery increases the risk of contamination. In this regard, the most effective sanitary reflex has turned out to be disinfecting one’s purchases once at home.

However, this study also tells us that walking your dog increased the risk of infection … by 78%! To date, our knowledge of the coronavirus does not allow us to determine whether animals can transmit the virus to humans. Based on information from RTL, they can contract it asymptomatically, but there is still no evidence that they are contagious. Specialists are also evaluating the possibility of transmission via feces.

An increased risk related to the habits of dog owners

Owners of one or more dogs may be less sensitive to hygiene rules. For example, picking up their dog’s ball that was in the garden. Additionally, they may be considered “more exposed to social contact” when walking their pets.

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