Does COVID-19 contribute to birth injuries? – Litigation, mediation and arbitration


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As we make our way through the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, we see the number of daily cases reaching new heights and a vaccine still months away.

In this blog post, I’ll go over some interesting trends on moms-to-be while blocking. Has COVID-19 contributed to an increase in birth injury cases during the block? Why is there a decrease in premature births?

The vulnerable fetus

This health crisis is not a blip on the radar. COVID-19 will be in our lives for some time. This virus poses a danger to vulnerable people, such as people with heart problems or pre-existing conditions. Pregnant women are responsible for two lives. Their health is linked to that of their baby. It can be harmful to the fetus, for example, if a pregnant mother takes medications when she is sick. I consider them to be in a high-risk group regardless of how healthy they are and their care during the pandemic must be ensured.

Birth injuries occur at best

Unsurprisingly, we are experiencing an increase in these cases at a time when the medical system is overloaded, overworked and, frankly, not accessible.

It is not a stretch to say that the current health landscape could increase birth injuries. In a bloc with overworked lean healthcare providers operating in an overwhelmed system, errors are more likely to occur. An overwhelmed system increases the chance of patients being misdiagnosed, sent home from the hospital prematurely, or even dying on a stretcher.

Does a COVID-19 diagnosis contribute to birth injuries?

It seems unlikely unless you find cases documenting pregnant women who have had respiratory problems from COVID-19. There was a direct correlation to the decreased oxygen levels in their babies that resulted in a brain injury. Or if we were able to determine that some aspects of the infection could have adverse effects on a fetus. It would be too early at this time to establish these correlations, but we may see research conducted in the future that could show that a mother with a diagnosis of COVID-19 could negatively affect her unborn child.

There are also psychological aspects at play that could influence traumatic birth. According to ABC News in Australia, giving birth with COVID-19 precautions in place in hospitals can be a challenging experience.

Before the pandemic, women regularly asked their doctor for advice during pregnancy, even for the slightest concern. However, with the possibility of contracting the virus, perhaps the last place a pregnant woman wants to be is in a doctor’s office or hospital.

One woman told the news agency she needed an emergency cesarean. When he sought reassurance from the medical team, it was difficult to find comfort behind their personal protective equipment.

“So while people’s eyes can be expressive, you’re missing a lot of the social cues you usually get from having people’s faces full,” she told ABC News. “So it was hard to tell what they were thinking, which is when things started going wrong with the plans. There was a lot of extra confusion and uncertainty for me because I couldn’t see people looking at me reassuringly.”

My Midwives CEO Liz Wilkes told ABC News that expectant mothers are experiencing less control in their birthing environments due to pandemic restrictions.

“This is obviously unavoidable to some extent, but it contributes greatly to raising those anxiety levels. Which then is leading to an increase in psychological trauma at birth,” she said. “Sometimes, there are people who come up to you who look like they’re in fireproof suits, and that has an impact on the woman’s experience.”

Wilkes went on to say that international researchers are studying the coronavirus-related birth space.

“We’re only starting to see the tip of the iceberg,” he told ABC News. “First research [is finding]very high levels of distress and distress obviously tend to lead to birth trauma. “

Premature births down during the block

Interestingly, there appears to have been a drop in the number of premature babies during the block, with some experts suggesting that it’s because pregnant women were less stressed, didn’t have to commute to and from work, eat better, and rest more. If you are stuck, it is less likely to come out and you are out of the way. Perhaps you are also monitoring your health more closely or managing stressors in better ways.

However, I can imagine that, given the pandemic concerns, there are some women who didn’t go to their doctor when something happened. By the time they do, there is a possibility that the child is in a bit of trouble.

A change in our healthcare system

We have experienced a lot of changes in healthcare over the past nine months. If we continue to find ourselves in a situation where a return to blockade is inevitable, we must ensure the availability of effective virtual assistance for pregnant women.

We should strive to use technology in different ways, perhaps by providing mothers with the equipment for self-control at home. It is always a good idea for expectant mothers to keep a pregnancy diary, request copies of doctor’s notes, find alternative ways to stay in touch with their doctor, and ask questions when in doubt.

Reliable Expertise – Childbirth Injury Lawyers

At Gluckstein Lawyers, we are always in tune with the way patients are cared for and monitor trends in healthcare. We know that hospitals were extremely busy when COVID-19 first hit, and they may be more busy during the second wave. We know that the staff was minimal. We know that in some situations, hospitals may work with reduced staff. Representing those who are victims of medical negligence has become a passion of our company.

Over the years we have developed expertise in birth injury cases, led by Richard Halpern, one of the most experienced attorneys in his field in Canada. These are difficult cases and emotional cases. We invest heavily in these proceedings, but they can be so rewarding because the settlements granted will make a huge difference in the lives of the families we represent.

Doctors and hospitals are heavily protected against medical malpractice claims and the reality is that a family will not have the resources to fight that kind of legal battle. It would help if you had a birth injury law firm with all the right resources to prevail in these complicated cases – a birth injury law firm with in-house experience, a track record of success, and access to experts to prove your claim. . We have made a conscientious decision to develop and enhance our experience in the field. I can honestly say that our personal injury law firm is one of the best companies dealing with birth injury cases. And we are committed to all-round assistance.

Founded in 1962, Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers take care of all aspects during the compensation claim process, work with insurance companies on your behalf, and secure sufficient compensation for your pain and suffering.

Originally published by Gluckstein, November 2020

The content of this article is intended to provide general guidance on the subject. Specialist advice on specific circumstances should be sought.


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