Doctors classify 9 drinks as the “elixir of life” for their role in prolonging a person’s life


For centuries, Chinese emperors have tried to search for the secret of water that prolongs human life, with the aim of extending their life or that of their loved ones, but sadly they never found this legendary fountain that supplies this water. .

But some doctors and health experts have indicated through a group of experiments and analyzes they conducted in laboratories and by consulting many elderly people in different places around the world, the existence of a group of drinks which they described as “the elixir of long life “because everyone agreed that these drinks were consumed periodically by most adults. Very old age.

The trade journal “eatthis” has presented a list of these drinks which a wide range of doctors have agreed are very necessary drinks for the body that have been observed to be consumed widely among the elderly, in addition to their great importance for the human body .

Water and stay away from soft drinks

The human body contains around 60% water, so to make sure every system in the body is functioning properly, you will need to keep it hydrated without a water shortage.

According to a health report published by Harvard Medical School, water aids the digestion process, carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the human body, expels bacteria from the bladder, protects organs and tissues, and maintains an electrolyte (sodium) balance.

Cardiologist Dr. Leonard Bianco also notes that water can increase longevity by keeping blood pressure levels within normal limits.


A 2018 study that analyzed data from nearly half a million British adults found that the results indicated that coffee drinkers, even those who drank caffeinated coffee, were less likely to die from a range of diseases during the period of 10-year study.

“In addition to containing antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, there have also been studies indicating that coffee can reduce the risk of liver cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, colon cancer and stroke,” says Dr. White.

Green tea

“The antioxidants found in green tea support immunity and protect heart health by reducing cholesterol,” says Dr. White.

Research from Japan revealed that green tea drinkers live longer, and a 2020 study suggested that drinking green tea was associated with a lower risk of death in those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Red wine

Whatever type of wine you prefer, a shot before bed can have a good effect on your health, some experts say.

Dr William Lee, president and medical director of the Angiogenesis Foundation of America, says: “The benefits of red wine come from many natural vital substances found in the red grape skins used in winemaking … One of them is resveratrol, which helps to slow down the cellular metabolism “which Extends its life.

Berry juice

Blueberries are rich in heart-healthy polyphenols, which are known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as flavonoids that have been linked to better cardiovascular health and inflammation.

Unfortunately, Dr. White points out that many of these benefits are found in the cranberry peel, which is removed in the juice making process, but points out, “These effects make cranberry juice an immune booster and can help support health. longevity”.

Green juice

Not only is green juice a convenient way to get fruits and vegetables by mashing them together, it can also play a role in extending life, according to some doctors.

The doctors suggested eating the juice in the morning, which is “squeezing three carrots, an apple, half an orange, a piece of celery and a half and a little fresh ginger.”

The natives of the Okinawa Islands, an archipelago of islands located between Japan and Taiwan, are known for their exceptional longevity, often attributed to bitter melon (bitter melon) or as the people of the region (karela) call it, which is a staple of their diet.

100 grams of bitter melon contains 84 milligrams of vitamin “C”, up to 100% of the recommended daily amount.

Studies have also shown that some compounds in karela juice may have anticancer properties and can increase (good) cholesterol by reducing bad (LDL) cholesterol, thereby improving heart health.

Mushroom tea

Don’t many of us know that some societies have been drinking mushroom tea for its health benefits for thousands of years? Those who follow traditional Chinese medicine consider mushrooms the “elixir of life”.

Reishi mushrooms are associated with immortality in Chinese culture, and there is also a reason for this: These mushrooms contain compounds called triterpenes, which can improve the functions of all vital organs in the body.

Tomato juice

Inflammation is a major cause of body aging and when inflammation is neglected, it can put you at risk for developing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and bowel disease.

Tomato juice is one of the best foods that can help fight infections thanks to its lycopene content, which has also been shown to lower “bad” cholesterol.

A 2005 study published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine revealed that the consumption of lycopene-rich tomato products can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

pomegranate juice

Pomegranate contains very useful flavonoids as well as being an important source of antioxidants (Punicalagin), both of which can protect your body from daily toxins and oxidative stress.

One study found that drinking 50 milliliters of pomegranate juice a day lowers cholesterol and reduces arterial damage in people with narrowed arteries, and another study found that drinking a daily cup of pomegranate juice improves blood flow to the heart. leading to a lower risk of heart attack)).

“Pomegranate juice contains alagitannins that improve gut health and can build immunity,” says Dr. Lee.


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