Doctor Rafila dismantles the most common myths about …


1. Ultraviolet rays kill the virus, so if we stay in the sun, the coronavirus disappears.

Ultraviolet rays kill the virus, but only if it is on a surface exposed to this ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet lamps are used in medical offices, laboratories, dental offices to decontaminate a certain surface. In humans, COVID is transmitted through removed droplets, regardless of whether we are in the sun or not.

2. Specialists have found that vitamin D helps fight COVID-19. If we take vitamin D, we are immune to the coronavirus.

We do not become immune to the coronavirus if we are given vitamin D, but we must take vitamin D if we stay indoors and do not expose ourselves to sunlight. In the elderly it is very important to take vitamin D during this period. The effect is not related to coronavirus infection, but to the synthesis of vitamin D and calcium metabolism, deficient at a certain age. Almost all vitamins, when in normal concentration, make the immune system more efficient.

Read also WHO recommendation after leaving isolation. How to remove anti-COVID restrictions

3. Coronavirus circulates in the air everywhere, so it is impossible to avoid it

It does not circulate everywhere. I have seen many people who ride bicycles or are alone in the car and use a face mask. No need, the virus doesn’t circulate everywhere in the air. The transmission of the virus through the air must be conditioned by the proximity of an infected person, who eliminates with speech, cough, sneezing drops that can be inhaled by other people. If we go outside, this danger does not exist.

4. If we all wear a mask, the coronavirus will disappear

This is not a myth. A study has emerged showing that if 90% of the population uses the mask and uses it correctly, transmission decreases and the epidemic stops. 90% is the threshold that leads to decrease. The mask must protect the mouth and nose at the same time. It is important that there is not a great way of communication on the sides. That’s why surgical masks don’t even protect perfectly.

5. If we gargle with salt / baking soda, we remove the virus from the throat and does not reach the lungs.

The virus does not multiply in the throat. It is present there because there is a lung infection in the body. Brushing your teeth is much more effective than gargling with salt. This is a great win, which could go hand in hand.

Read also The “silent” symptom of coronavirus infection. It occurs in the early stages of the disease

6. Coronavirus settles on any surface and remains there for several days

The deposit of the virus on surfaces is not a problem. Its viability is variable, but a virus must not only be viable, but also infectious. In particular, the amount of virus you would have to pick up from that surface, get it to your mouth or eyes and cause infection is very difficult to get from a surface. This path can exist if the surface has been contaminated because someone sneezed on that surface. The virus lives on these surfaces from a few hours to a few days.

7. If we drink water from the urban network, treated with chlorine, we are safer from the coronavirus

There is not enough chlorine in drinking water to kill germs. Water is treated with chlorine in Romania and other countries because it is a disinfectant, but until it reaches the tap this chlorine is used and a very small amount of residual chlorine remains. That quantity is a kind of indicator of water quality. If the water has no chlorine at all, it may contain microorganisms.

8. Coronavirus loves dust and dirt, nests on avenues, streets, sidewalks, dirty houses

All microorganisms love dust and dirt. Therefore, the most important recommendations to combat the danger posed by the environment were aimed at cleaning. Cleaning of streets, public spaces with water and detergent.

Read also Alexandru Rafila advises against wearing protective gloves: “Create a false sense of security”

9. Coronavirus will disappear as temperatures rise

Most likely, the virus will not disappear, but its transmissibility will be greatly reduced.

10. Soap is the safest, most effective disinfectant than chlorine and alcohol solutions

Correct. Soap affects this virus very quickly because it has a coating that is destroyed by the soap. It’s better than alcohol. It is better to wash your hands than to wear gloves. However, before putting on the gloves and taking them off, we need to wash our hands.


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