Do you still remember Mariana Moculescu? Who is the woman in love now


Do you still remember Mariana Moculescu? Who is the woman in love now. “The carabinieri stopped me 387 times”. Horia Moculescu’s ex-wife lives with a married man. Where is it at the moment.

Do you still remember Mariana Moculescu? Who is the woman in love now

Do you still remember Mariana Moculescu? The ex-wife of the famous composer told about her life after her divorce from Horia Moculescu.

The artist has lived in Tuscany, Italy for several years. There she lives a beautiful love story with Massimiliano, the Italian who brought a smile back to her lips and who is convinced he is the man of her life.

There is, however, a small hindrance. Mariana Moculescu’s boyfriend is still married. However, the woman says that the Italian will divorce his current wife and thus spend the rest of their life together, as they both want.

“I have an Italian residence in Massimiliano’s house and after he gets divorced this year, we’ll see what other ideas come up,” confessed the star, for, observes Wowbiz.

Who is the woman in love now. Mariana Moculescu and her life partner have experienced many fun and difficult times alike. The former wife of composer Horia Moculescu confessed to being fined recently during the restrictive measures in Italy.

“During this period of quarantine, Massimiliano and I were stopped by the carabinieri and fined € 387 for each of us. We had no plausible legal reason to drive a bit. In quarantine I was very bored and that is why I tried to get rid of it. of monotony asking my friends for advice. As a result, I did gymnastics every day, got a tan on the balcony, listened to music and listened to the advice of psychologists for this time, I cooked in Romanian, sometimes sat among the arms of Maximilian, watching news and movies, “said Mariana Moculescu, according to Wowbiz.

Mariana Moculescu and her Italian boyfriend, Massimo

Mariana Moculescu and her Italian boyfriend, Massimo

Why Mariana and Horia Moculescu divorced in the 2000s

Twenty years ago, tabloid newspapers were buzzing about the scandalous divorce of the new millennium. Mariana and Horia Moculescu have lived a beautiful love story for more than two decades. In 2000, they decided to separate and went to court.

Their stormy relationship was on the lips of all onlookers, as they fought for years in the courts. The two ex-husbands have a 30-year-old daughter together. How Horia Moculescu and his ex-wife met:

“I met Horia Moculescu in January 1986. It was love at first sight from the first moment we met. I, a young aspiring pop singer, also the wonderful composer, the one who could elevate me to heaven”, revealed some long ago Mariana Moculescu

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