Do you make these deadly mistakes every day?


You know, they say life doesn’t come with a manual. And while this is true, we think it’s one of the biggest frustrations on the part of the general public that diseases don’t come with manuals! And that is why it is very important to take precautions right from the start with the help of doctors or health experts. One of the biggest and greatest concerns for the healthcare system in recent years has been the increase in the number of diabetic patients. Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body is unable to regulate the necessary amount of sugar in the blood, the cases of which have increased in India in recent years. According to recent studies, the country’s diabetic population is likely to reach 69.9 million by 2025 and 80 million by 2030. Although it is so common, misinformation about how to treat and control it is widespread. Read also – How does an apple a day affect diabetes and blood sugar levels?

A person with diabetes needs to maintain healthy blood sugar levels to avoid the complications of the disease. There are many bad habits that you unknowingly take up most days that can raise your blood sugar levels. So, here are some mistakes that every diabetic must avoid to keep blood sugar levels healthy. Read Also – Here’s How To Maintain Blood Sugar Levels, Starting In The Gut

Diabetes mistake you are making on a daily basis

Error n. 1: Skipping breakfast can trigger diabetes

You will have heard how important breakfast is for your overall health. But, due to the busy everyday life, sometimes you tend to skip breakfast. Do you know this can have a major negative impact on your blood sugar level? Yes, you read that right. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Skipping breakfast leads to an increase in blood sugar levels. This is why it is recommended to have a healthy breakfast rich in more nutrients. Read also – Are you a diabetic? 5 things you should do every morning to check your blood sugar levels

Error n. 2: don’t keep track of your blood sugar level

Seems very normal, doesn’t it? Well, not keeping a proper blood sugar record is one of the biggest mistakes you make if you are a diabetic. An increase in blood sugar must be checked in time. When you see a doctor helping you treat diabetes, showing them the log can help doctors treat diabetes faster.

Error n. 3: don’t exercise

Regular exercises are extremely important for every individual on this planet. Not only does it help keep you fit, it also wards off many diseases. Exercising regularly can also help a diabetic control their blood sugar level.

Error n. 4: improper sleep habits

your body needs rest to function properly. When you fail to give your body the minimum amount of rest (sleep), your body begins to behave abnormally. Being diabetic is not easy! In addition to maintaining your eating habits, you also need to monitor your sleep habits.

Error n. 5: don’t take care of your dental health

Yes, your dental health is also associated with your blood sugar levels. According to studies, poor gum health can raise blood sugar levels. Gum disease is also a complication of type 2 diabetes. Diabetics are often recommended to keep their gums under adequate supervision. Also, maintain good oral hygiene for better blood sugar levels.

In addition to the above, being diabetic also requires greater awareness of any major body changes. Also, stick to regular medications prescribed by your doctor to help manage your blood sugar levels because lifestyle changes alone aren’t enough to control your condition.

Disclaimer: Consult your physician before making any lifestyle changes.

Published: November 18, 2020 at 12:16 pm | Updated: November 18, 2020 12:16 pm

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