Do you have high blood pressure at this time of day? Threatening FORECAST of heart attack or stroke!



Normal blood pressure during the day still means nothing! Even so, you have a high risk of heart attack and stroke. The odds of these diseases are increased by high numbers measured on a pressure gauge at some part of the day.

Scientists are raising a warning finger. Their study found that people who had high blood pressure while sleeping were more likely to suffer from heart disease, according to Experts from Jichi Medical University warns of a high risk even if your blood pressure is normal during the day. The study was published in the journal Circulation.

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The course of the study

The study involved 6,359 Japanese adults in the period 2009-2017. Almost half of the participants were men, with more than half aged 65 or over. Each had at least one cardiovascular risk factor, three-quarters of which were taking blood pressure medications. At the start of the study, none of them had symptomatic cardiovascular disease.

The researchers had a pressure holter available to measure blood pressure. They watched him during the day and during the night. Study participants recorded their activities throughout the day, as well as sleep and wake times. Almost every participant took 20 automatic daily and seven nighttime blood pressure measurements. Patients were monitored annually by telephone or clinical visit.

Increased risk of heart failure

Experts focused on the incidence of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure and the like. They tried to find a connection between the occurrence and timing of heart attacks and changes in blood pressure.

The results showed 306 cardiovascular events – including 119 strokes, 99 coronary artery diseases and 88 cases of heart failure. According to scientists, this can be confirmed An increase in systolic blood pressure of 20 mm Hg above the daily systolic pressure is associated with a risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and heart failure. It was similar in those patients who had higher blood pressure during sleep than during the day. They were at greater risk of developing heart failure and at greater risk of developing heart disease.

However, you should also be careful about lowering your blood pressure while you sleep! Although patients were in control of hypertension during the day, they still had an increased risk of stroke. Their systolic blood pressure was very low at night.

Under control even at night

The conclusion of the study is clear. According to lead author Kazuomi Kario, Nocturnal systolic blood pressure has become a significant risk factor for cardiovascular events. Not only daytime but nighttime blood pressure monitoring is important for doctors to think about. Therefore, they should provide their patients with a 24-hour dosage of hypertension medication.

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night health heart disease arterial hypertension

23.11.2020 | Photo: | Author: © List / Janka

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