Disaster for Adi Miracle! He is wanted by the masked men DIICOT! Serious accusations against the manelist. What mega file would it be involved in?


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Famous manelist Adrian Minune has arrived, again, to the police! He was allegedly summoned for a case of blackmail and usury.

Adrian Simionescu, with his real name, was called to the police to provide explanations in a case in which acts of blackmail and usury are being investigated, according to cancan.ro. The file is linked to a network of Brăila money lenders. More precisely, it would be the file in which several Manelists accuse the members of the Duduianu clan of having taken their money from the balance.

He had also been searched previously by DIICOT masked men, but was not found at the indicated address.

Only a few weeks have passed since the last problems with the famous manelist’s law. About 3 weeks ago, the police intervened in an event organized in a penthouse in the capital, fining 11 people for a total of 38,500 lei.

Adi Minune and Tzanca Uraganu were among those fined.

Adi Minune, the richest manelist in Romania

Several sources speak of Adi Minune’s accounts, which are arch-pine. This would be the richest manual list in Romania. In fact, he owns very expensive cars, only “parts” from the collection, such as a Ferrari 458 Spider or a Lamborghini Aventador Roadster, bought in cash for 400,000 euros!

Adi Minune gave the children everything they wanted. For example, his daughter, Carmen Simionescu, gave him a Mercedes GLE, a list price of 70,000 euros, when he turned 22.

“As a child, I felt like a lion in captivity. There were bad parts, racism, labels, envy. They were in childhood. My mother was the one who gave us her life. This is why today we are respectful children in their place. Mom is everything. Dad made sure we didn’t miss a thing. But he got involved with others. I don’t remember ever needing him and not being there with me. We were supported. Our father didn’t bring us a car like that … because we turned 18. We had to deserve the gift, to do something, “Carmen recently told of how Adi Minune was as a father.

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