Dieter Hallervorden questions the size of the crown


Dieter Hallervorden is struggling with the “blockade light” in Germany. Since his theater, like the cultural industry across the country, must remain closed, he has now called for a rethink of the rbb.

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Stand-up comedian Dieter Hallervorden has once again publicized the opening of theaters in the Corona crisis. Think the closure is disproportionate. “Why can hairdressing salons open and close boxes?” Asked Hallervorden in an article that was shown Monday night in the rbb “Abendschau”.

“I mean, hairdressers are a lot closer to their clients than actors are to their viewers,” the 85-year-old said. He thinks it is important that the government try to ensure that the healthy do not get sick. “But please, not in the wrong place.”

Hallervorden: “I have some reservations”

Due to the pandemic, theaters, but also cinemas, museums and restaurants, for example, must close by the end of the month. The shops remain open. Hallervorden intervenes against the temporary closure of his Schlosspark theater at the Berlin Administrative Court. A decision is still pending.

Psychologists have explained how people suffer when culture is taken from them, Hallervorden said. It is out of the question for him to leave his theater in such difficult times. “I have reservations. And I’m ready to sacrifice them. For the good of the theater and especially for our audience.”

Due to the rapid increase in the number of corona infections in Germany, a so-called has been in effect since 2 November “Breakwater block”. Public life should rest so that contacts between people can be limited and the exponential growth in the number of infections can be stopped. The measures also affect the cultural sector, which is not allowed to hold face-to-face events until 30 November.


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