DIego Maradona: the war broke out between his environment and his family – International Football – Sport


“The environment”. Those two words were linked to Diego Maradona to explain the life of the crash from always. Many times with evil. The life of a celebrity he requires a group to assist him. Organize it and contain it. The death of former player He exposed a little more the differences that existed between the direct Maradona family and that environment.

In order not to go too far into the history of the environment, you can remember what happened in the last year. Gianinna Maradona He noted, in December 2019, that the people around his father were using him. “He is not dying because his body decides it, they are killing him inside without his noticing. I don’t believe in the standard of normality, but this is very far from the reality he deserves. Pray for him. Please thank you.”

(You may be interested in: The day Pelé “signed” Maradona for Santos).

After that statement, she was his sister, Dalma, which continued, in Twitter: “When my sister said my father was unwell, they took a ‘reporter’ to her house to get a ghost message to speak ill of her. What now?

Gianinna, Dalma, Jana, and Diego Jr. sought legal guardianship from their father after he was admitted earlier this month.

Who is who in Diego Maradona’s environment

(Read also: The controversial cover of the “Daily Star” for Maradona’s death).

Leopoldo Luque (doctor): He was the personal doctor who accompanied him recently and supervised the operation for the subdural hematoma. His motorcycle arrivals at the Olivos Clinic went viral and he was immediately surrounded by journalists. He was in charge of providing his health reports. It appears in the last known photo of Diego Maradona, after the operation.

Diego Maradona

First image of Diego Maradona, after his recent operation and with his doctor Leopoldo Luque.


Instagram Leopoldo Luque

Alfredo Cahe (doctor): The medical history of Maradona, who approached the Olivos Clinic to collaborate with the medical history in the last operation. He said Maradona had replaced drugs with alcohol and after his death he said: “He was not treated as he should have been”.

(Further: The story behind Maradona’s photo with Freddie Mercury and Queen).

Johnny (nephew): He is the son of the Walrus Esposito and Maria. According to the news leaked in the last few hours, he is the last one to visit him hours before his death. Rumor has it that she was with him at 11pm last Tuesday. The father, the Walrus Esposito, is remembered for his participation in some incidents that occurred in the concentration of the Argentine team in Trigoria, Rome, during the 1990 World Cup.

Victor Stinfale (lawyer): in recent legal disputes he represented Maradona. Linked to the Deportivo Riestra club, he gained notoriety for having been a defender of well-known fans presumably linked to the barrabravas, from the historian José Barrita, from Boca, to William Schlenker, from River. He also represented Monzer Al Kassar and Carlos Telleldín, among others. In an interview he said a phrase that generated a great deal of controversy: “If Hitler pays me a million dollars, I will defend him”.

Matías Morla (lawyer): Born from the Stinfale law firm, he was also very close and in recent times he has dealt with many things related to the communication of what happened with Maradona. However, he wrote a very harsh sentence during the farewell. “It is inexplicable that for twelve hours my friend did not have any treatment or supervision by the health personnel dedicated to these purposes,” he said. She has been with him for just over two years, ever since she started working in Dorados, Mexico. At the express request of Maradona’s family, he was unable to get in the wake.

Matías Morla

Dew Olive: his latest partner. They separated in January 2019. Nor were they allowed to enter Casa Rosada.

In the last few hours, a group of people, whose name is unknown, has worked with Maradona: a personal assistant, an employee hired for his safety, a nurse and a cook.

This is how Diego’s family tree is composed

Diego Maradona

Diego Maradona, a brilliant tree.


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