Diana’s former butler reveals what’s real and what’s fictional in The Crown


Since the Season 4 premiere, Netflix’s The Crown series has been the subject of discussion. Paul Burrell, who was Princess Diana’s butler, gave an interview to The Sun, where he explains what really happened in real life and what is just fiction.

Carlos’s disinterest in Diana

In The Crown, Prince Carlos is uninterested in Diana, indifferent to her children, and committed to having an affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles. The former butler recalled his years at the couple’s home and confirmed that the relationship between Carlos and Diana was shrouded in drama.

“Josh O’Connor plays Prince Charles as a cold and somewhat indifferent person. And I’m afraid that’s what I saw behind closed doors, “he said.

“Diana told me, ‘When I got married, I thought my husband would be there for me, to take care of me, to support me, to encourage me, but he’s not.’ There are people who say “this is not true,” but this is very close to the truth, “he said.

The trip to Australia, which portrays how much Diana’s popularity has bothered Carlos, is also confirmed by Burrell, who says the series could have gone “further”.

“I would have done another scene to tell the moment when Princess Diana came down the stairs wearing a beautiful black and white dress, just to please him, and Carlos said ‘You look like you belong to the mafia,'” she said.

The relationship between Diana and the queen

According to a former butler, the way Diana’s relationship with the queen is portrayed in the series also matches reality. “They didn’t have a very close relationship. I heard her say “Diana is such a stunned girl, she doesn’t understand, men have relationships.” This is very revealing, “he said.

The day the queen woke up and found an intruder at Buckingham Palace

According to Burrell, the episode of the meeting between the Queen and Michael Fagan, an intruder, in her room, is full of inaccuracies, from decorating the space to the conversation they both had.

According to Lady Di’s old bite, Isabel II’s room is not as red and grandiose as it is portrayed, on the contrary, it is very humble. “With just one bed, two nightstands and no flowers,” he described.

Diana’s choice of engagement ring

The series shows Diana choosing her engagement ring, and according to Burrell, that didn’t happen. “I was there. The queen chose him with Prince Charles,” he revealed.

Diana’s fight against bulimia

Diana also faced a battle with bulimia, Burrell reveals. “She started getting sick just before she got married, and she told me she also had an episode on her wedding night,” she said.

“It is very boring for me to see [essas cenas], it must be boring for the audience too. He suffered a lot for this. The Crown portrays him, but only in small scenes. There is no common thread in all 10 episodes. She has suffered from it all her life and found no help, ”he revealed.

The Queen’s relationship with her husband

According to the former butler, the way the Queen’s relationship with the Duke of Edinburgh is portrayed in the series is not real. “They’ve been in a very distant relationship, and it’s not. The queen and her husband are not cold with each other, ”she said, revealing that, unlike the show, the couple don’t sleep separately. “They both have a series of rooms. But there is a common room in the middle and that’s what they use, ”he said.

Isabel II’s relationship with Margaret Thatcher

The relationship between then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the Queen was much warmer than the one portrayed, Burrell says. “They weren’t at war with each other,” he guaranteed.


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