Diabetics and immunocompromised. 3 healthy alternatives to sweets


Controlling sugar cravings can be difficult, especially with the availability of such tempting and delicious foods full of sugar, which increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes, weight gain, high cholesterol, and weak immunity.

The “boldsky” site offers the most important healthy options and alternatives for desserts to promote good health, which include:

Coconut sugar cookies

Coconut sugar is derived from the coconut palm and is considered nutritious compared to white sugar, as well as containing iron, calcium, potassium, antioxidants and polyphenols, coconut sugar is also high in fiber called inulin which prevents diseases such as diabetes. colon cancer and bowel-related diseases.

Dates dessert

Dates are energy-rich snacks that facilitate bowel movement and healthy brain functioning, the risk of cancer, blood sugar and nervous system functioning. The sweetness of dates made from dates, milk, cashews and cardamom can be better than noxious sweets.

Mashed bananas

Banana puree made from ripe bananas can be used as a natural sweetener in many dishes, rich in vitamin C, magnesium, copper, vitamin B6, potassium and fiber. Adding oats to the recipe will improve the taste. sweet, blueberries and apples can also be added.


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