Demo zu Fitness Boxing 2


If you want to try “Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise” before making a purchase, you can download the free demo.

“Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise” will be released on 4 December 2020 for the Nintendo Switch, but those who want to try the game first can now take advantage of the free demo which can be downloaded from the eShop. “Whether they hit a straight line or an uppercut, take cover or evade, players score points by doing various boxing moves at the right pace,” he says.

The content is added: “In the demo there are three songs to choose from – in the full version there are 23 tracks. In the day training mode you can complete a daily training under supervision, in the free training mode you can design your own training units. The six trainer from the previous title Fitness Boxing is back again. In addition, three new sparring partners are joining the ring. As personal trainers, they support and encourage players. And if two friends or family share Joy-Cons, they can train together. in the demo version. “

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