Delicious food that can reduce the risk of heart attack and dementia to promote longevity!


Longevity can be compromised by many health conditions as we age, and two big looming problems are heart problems and dementia.

And this is no accident, as heart disease, the leading cause of heart attacks, can increase the risk of developing dementia.

And a large long-term study published in the journal Neurology showed that certain risk factors for middle-aged heart disease – diabetes, high blood pressure, and cigarette smoking – are associated with an increased risk of developing dementia.

This association has led researchers to conclude that what’s good for the heart is good for the brain.

Fortunately, some dietary decisions can increase the health of your heart and mind. Cocoa powder, the main ingredient in chocolate made from grinding cocoa beans, has been shown to support your heart and mind.

The effects are mainly attributed to polyphenols, micronutrients found in plant foods that have been shown to provide a number of health benefits.

The polyphenols called flavanols in cocoa have been linked to heart health benefits.

Research shows that flavanol-rich cocoa improves the level of nitric oxide in the blood, which relaxes and widens arteries and blood vessels and improves blood flow.

Additionally, cocoa has been found to reduce bad LDL cholesterol, have an aspirin-like fluidifying effect, improve blood sugar and reduce inflammation – mechanisms that contribute to a heart attack.

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A review of nine studies involving 157,809 people found that higher chocolate consumption was associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and death.

Two Swedish studies found that chocolate consumption was linked to a lower rate of heart failure at doses of up to 0.7 to 1.1 ounces (19-30 grams) of chocolate per day, but the effect did not. appeared when consumed in larger quantities.

These results indicate that frequent consumption of small amounts of cocoa-rich chocolate can have protective benefits for your heart.

Benefits for the brain

Several studies have found that polyphenols, such as those found in cocoa, can reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases by improving brain function and blood flow.

According to the research, flavanols can cross the blood-brain barrier and participate in the biochemical pathways that produce neurons and molecules important for brain function.

Furthermore, flavanols affect the production of nitric oxide, which relaxes the muscles of the blood vessels and improves blood flow and blood supply to the brain.

And a two-week study of 34 elderly people who consumed flavanol-rich cocoa found that blood flow to the brain increased 8% after one week and 10% after two weeks.

Other studies suggest that daily intake of cocoa flavanols can improve mental performance in people with mental disabilities.

These studies indicate that cocoa consumption plays a protective role in brain health, which can extend to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

However, more research is needed to establish a more conclusive link.

Source: Express

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