Decision to demolish the 57-year-old Arecibo telescope


The telescope, which made important discoveries in the scientific world, was decided to be demolished due to the damage suffered.

Decision to demolish the 57-year-old Arecibo telescope

The Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico, involved in important scientific work for more than half a century, has come to an end.

The cables of the 305-meter-wide radio telescope carrying the central receiver platform weighing 900 tons were broken.

It was reported that cable repair was impossible due to the possibility of putting employees at risk.


In a statement released by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), which operates the observatory, it was announced that it will begin the process of controlled destruction of the telescope.

NSF Professor Sean Jones on scrapping decision “In the event of an unexpected and uncontrolled collapse, it aims to protect the safety of people’s lives and prevent the loss of the entire Arecibo Observatory, including the visitor education center.” She said.

Demolition decision taken for Arecibo telescope no.  1 aged 57


Another scientist serving at NSF, Ralph Gaume, said he will not shut down the Arecibo Observatory completely, but will seek to secure the infrastructure in the field in the hope that it will serve various research and educational purposes.

The Arecibo telescope, built in 1963, has gone down in history as the largest single-parabola operating radio telescope in the world.


The iconic telescope is known to have been seen in “Contact”, “GoldenEye” and other Hollywood films.

Astronomers working in the search for extraterrestrial life sent radio signals from Arecibo into space in 1974. The first exoplanet was discovered from this area in 1990.

The telescope also paved the way for work on near-Earth asteroids and rapid radio bursts in space.

Demolition decision taken for the 57-year-old Arecibo # 2 telescope

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