Dear Olteanu Matei, you left a letter, discovered only now. What it conveys to Romanians


Dear Olteanu Matei left a great pain in the soul of the Romanians who loved her for everything she offered us during her acting career. She was always modest and always considered receiving too much from her audience. Her emotions overwhelmed her every time she was applauded and praised by the audience. An actress who appreciated her audience and left a letter to the Romanians she knew they loved and appreciated.

The letter left by Draga Olteanu Matei Românilor

“Dear ones, when you are gone, please don’t complain to me. During my career I have tried to give you joy and smiles. I have always been overwhelmed by the attention you have given me and I have thought that I was giving myself too much for what I am giving myself. I really deserved.

When they are gone, remember me with the love and joy I felt when I played every role, whether it was on the stage at the theater or in movies.

I have lived most of my life on stage, whether it was the theater scene or the scene from the movie I was acting in. I don’t want you to complain to me. I love you and I appreciate you too much. I am happy that you have received me in your souls and I am happy to know that I have been able to give you joy.

I am flattered by every letter I receive, I have never been interested in the awards offered by the organizations, but I felt that the most important award I could receive was your reactions when I finished playing a show. Great great love.

Stay happy, stay healthy and thank you for every time you followed me.


Dear Olteanu matei “

The letter came into the possession of with the support of a dear friend, who did not want us to reveal her name.

The article continues after the announcement

We thank Mrs. Draga Olteanu Matei.

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