"Deadcoin" AurumCoin (AU) Reactivated by Inflated Trading on Crypto Hub Online

  Deadcoin-AurumCoin-AU-Revived-by-Inflated-Trading-on-Crypto-Hub-Online "title =" Deadcoin-AurumCoin-AU-Revived-by-Inflated-Trading-on-Crypto-Hub-Online " /> </div>
<p><strong>  AurumCoin (AU) </strong> was notorious for its low trading volume, but a recent wave took investors back into consideration: according to CoinMarketCap the currency recorded an increase of $ 5.799%. Inflationary trading of AU on Crypto Hub Online, an exchange bargain.Thanks to the increase in activity, the new AU price rose to $ 1780, unlike the $ 30- $ 40 range registered on other sites Web. </p>
<p>  For the whole day, the trading volume was about $ 6,000, and many investors wondered if this change was the result of an error.After all, the last purchase price it was only 0.5 BTC, which is still visible on the Crypto Hub website. a user error, the CoinMarketCap records show that the volume of coin ding came exclusively from an exchange. [19659003]. Many users of the exchange have decided to turn to social media to express their concerns, relying mainly on the fact that this resource was primarily a dead currency until now. A user on the Bitcointalk modules, Crazy8Ball, said, </p>
<p>  "is not real, has a high diffusion, no volume looks like a fat finger and not even a full BTC value, it's more a dead-fat than nothing." [19659006] He added to the concept, saying, </p>
<p>  "In fact I can not even sell this without breaking down the price of cryptopia, which is an even more liquid EC, and not even 0.20 of Aurumcoin on cryptobridge, it is also not true, the creator / developer has abandoned this coin a year ago. "</p>
<p>  Last August, the community of the UA suffered a theft of 1500 AU, which was deposited in one & rsquo; bag called criptopia. Thus, the coins were converted into BTC and sent to another portfolio to withdraw. Most portfolios associated with AUs have not even been synchronized for up-to-date information because no blocks have been created, which makes the currency dead. In order for a currency to remain active, mining must continue to circulate new coins, which a user has brought to light by saying, </p>
<p>  "In any case you can not mine mine, you can not transfer, you can not synchronize and much of the supply has been stolen for this coin, it will not go well, but it's both fun and sad … oh, all right. "</p>
<p>  To further prove that point, there's not even a chance for coin holders to also send tokens between Cryptopia and Crypto Hub. They are firm despite their market capitalization of 532 million dollars and their position as 23 <sup> rd </sup> on CoinMarketCap. </p>
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