daily pollutants could reduce its effectiveness



  • Future Covid-19 vaccines may be less effective due to endocrine disruptors.
  • Some families of endocrine disruptors reduce the number of antibodies in the body.
  • For now, it is still too early to know whether the antibodies we will develop with the Covid-19 vaccine will be viable in sufficient numbers to not be weakened by endocrine disruptors.

The solution against Covid-19 may be less effective than expected due to the pollutants that surround us. Endocrine disruptors, present in most of the objects that make up our daily life, can interrupt the correct reception of the treatment by our body.

As described The Guardian in one article the per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) are everywhere: in pizza boxes, in the waterproofing of a shirt, in some fire-fighting foams or on the non-stick coatings of stoves. These endocrine disruptors can increase the risk of cancer, reduce fertility, and cause liver damage.

Reduces antibodies against diphtheria and tetanus

The British newspaper followed a study by Philippe Grandjean, assistant professor of environmental health at Havard, to learn about the harmfulness of PFAS to our daily lives. In their conclusion, the researcher points out that children who are exposed to PFAS have a markedly reduced concentration of antibodies against diphtheria and tetanus. Other tests were performed on adults with similar results. Philippe Grandjean conducted an experiment on another type of other endocrine disruptor, PFBA, which could accumulate in the lungs and accentuate the severity of Covid-19 infections.

If the vaccines made by the Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna duo have nothing to worry about because they use messenger RNA, other vaccine compositions will be more problematic, especially for those that rely on protein spikes to help the body. “People highly exposed to PFAS have very low, non-protective antibody levels after four diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations, points out Philippe Grandjean. So, if a Covid vaccine is similar, PFAS will likely inhibit a vaccine’s response. But at this point she is a stranger. “

At least 200 million people affected in the United States alone

Endocrine disruptors have an extremely long lifespan in the body, especially if they are made up of things we use every day. In the United States alone, about 200 million people eat and drink food that has come into contact with PFAS.

In his program, President-elect Joe Biden has vowed to crack down on these endocrine disruptors, particularly so they never end up in the water.


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