Daily horoscope for Tuesday 17 November: here’s what the stars have in store for you today



From 21 March to 20 April

The planets of logic and impulse are on opposite sides of your chart and this can make you a little reckless with spending.

But there are also some genius ideas in extra cash – take some time to think and you’ll spot them.

Love for Aries is about compromise, finding a middle ground. But this can be an exciting place to be.



From 21 April to 21 May

You are a fascinating mix of physical abandon and strong emotional loyalty. Partners find it impossible to resist.

If you are single, crossing a road or a river is your path to a new passion.

The sun in your teamwork sector shows luck associated with a group that works, trains or practices outside. The number “6” is a factor.


From May 22 to June 21

You are in the territory of primary passion and you have the ability to fascinate everyone you talk to, even on the phone. And if you’re in love, there are some dreamy surprises on the way.

The secrets of the work, which may include a personal ambition, are ready to be shared and transformed into successful steps.

“B” names can be lucky.


From 22 June to 22 July

Love is important, but honesty is also important and the way you combine them today sets you apart.

The changes that you thought were stuck start moving again and you can see the future in a bright new light.

The third name in a music list can be the date of your destiny.

Success is a series of steps, not just one: ready to start?


From 23 July to 23 August

Words that have been hard to say start flowing when you trust yourself to stay calm – your chart shows this can happen today. And you can cope with any answer and make it work for you.

An award-winning moon connects to metallic colors and throwbacks.

Passion waits in line with someone who has laughing eyes.


From 24 August to 22 September

The right support is the theme of your chart – this can ask you to hold back for a while and let people make their own mistakes. This leaves room for everyone to learn.

Love may seem one-sided right now, but setting a deadline for decisions puts you back in control.

If single, a wrong number changes this.


From 23 September to 23 October

A new perspective of passion is unlike anyone you’ve loved, but this will bring out a secret side of you.

If you’re already busy, connect first with feelings, first with words. And all the crossed threads can be erased.

The person at work who bothers you the most may turn out to be your best supporter, so give it a chance.


From 24 October to 22 November

Your sign has the cold logic of Mercury, but on your chart is the wild Uranus.

So yes, you can expect some extreme ideas today, but you have the skills to tame them and turn them into moneymakers. Especially if there is a connection to the network.

Love is a lavish secret as Venus enacts undercurrents.


From 23 November to 21 December

Saturn’s simple common sense is the gift it keeps giving – however far a deal has gone or a price has dropped, you can withdraw it.

You also stick to what you know is right at work and at home and inspire other people to do the same.

Passion is disguised as friendship and all you have to do is look deeper.


From December 22nd to January 20th

Instead of following a pattern that is going too fast, you can slow it down, set a new pace. This is what special people have been waiting for.

The sun in your social sector means you shine in any environment, but mostly on a screen, so try to make the video call happen.

Connecting with a Leo brings good luck.


From January 21st to February 18th

If you are not satisfied with the love answers, keep asking the questions: Venus is with you all week. And deep down you feel what you really need.

If single, talking about a past trip is your ticket to passion.

Home plans can be interrupted, but don’t let them go – something better is about to emerge.

♓ Pisces

From February 19th to March 20th

Someone who speaks for a living, perhaps with a news link, can be a part of your life – how this happens is up to you. From new love to contest hits, you are ready to get excited.

Your transformation zone has shifted to love and partners reach a new level together.

Single? Paint splatters are your clue.

ZODIAC SIGNS: What is a zodiac sign and how do I find mine?

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