Updated November 18, 2020, 3:27 pm
The release of “Cyberpunk 2077” is getting closer and closer. A gameplay video now shows graphics on Xbox Series X versus Xbox One X. Memory requirements on PS4 are also known. The whole thing will be great.
After countless postponed start dates, the tension mounts just before Cyberpunk 2077 was released on December 10th in the immeasurable. As a result, fans eagerly absorb every little news about the sci-fi action RPG from Polish publisher CD Projekt Red.
The has now released another gameplay video, which is the foreplay difference between the version for the “old” flagship Xbox One X and the new X Series Shows. Furthermore, the Memory requirements known who on PS4 it will be necessary.
“Cyberpunk 2077”: Outlook on Next generation gameplay
The perspective on Next generation gameplay released CD Projekt Red as usual on his own Online format “Night City Wire”. During the foray into the futuristic city, the action keeps changing systems: from the “Xbox One X” version to the Xbox Series X and vice versa. Sometimes he goes on a cruise Main character V in the camera chase with an elegant sports car through the canyons of skyscrapers. A conversation with Johnny Silverhand, the character played by Keanu Reeves, and finally a shooting in a nightclub.
© CD project
The preview of the next-gen arouses desire. But it must be said very clearly at this point: the video simply shows them Backward compatibility the X Series. Which was released shortly “Cyberpunk 2077” it will benefit from the hardware power of the next generation console in terms of load times, frame rates and certainly effects too. The real (and free) Upgrade for Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 but it should first 2021 consequences. Also: YouTube’s playback options are too limited to display features like 60 frames per second in 4K and HDR.
This is what “Cyberpunk 2077” is memory hungry like
Publishing something like this Play station-According to the CD Projekt Red press release, gameplay videos are also planned. It is expected to “appear on the game’s official channels soon”.
© CD Project Red
Sony gamers are already receiving unofficial news for Memory requirements of “Cyberpunk 2077” on the hard drive of PS4. At least 70 Gigabytes it must be available. In the physical version, the contents of “Cyberpunk 2077” are so vast that the Game start two discs is delivered.
The source of this information is not the publisher, but rather the packaging and promotional material leaked on Reddit. The required 70GB storage space is indicated on the back of the PS4 box and on the two discs on the front. So players can look forward to a very broad sci-fi saga. (ch)
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Teaserbild: © CD project
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