Cryptocurrency is dead! Long live the cryptocurrency!


Throughout the news scene, continuous signals seem to signal that the cryptocurrency boom is over. According to various sites that trace cryptids dead, the panorama of cryptocurrencies is getting closer and closer to 1,000 cryptographic coins dead. According to a count, the bitcoin would have died about 326 times. Since it has peaked at almost $ 20,000 in 2017, the bitcoin crash has swept away virtual fortunes. From there, it's a bit high, a little bit. down. Yes, if you're looking for crypto-gloomy news, it's not difficult. The question about so many minds is whether the crypt is condemned to the garbage heap along with Beanie Babies, not so rare collectibles, and other speculative specimens of mania. I can not, alone by a technological column, change the public disposition on crypto. I take the opportunity to share that we are still at the beginning of something that will not fade as this technological wave has not even touched the spectrum of possibilities. This is because there are narrow opinions that ignore the best parts of cryptocurrency, including real-world applications that the general public will never bother to look at.

Bitcoin is the original and has a decade of history. Bitcoin survived the first forks, Mount. Gox hack, the Silk Road fiasco, and will eventually emerge from the variable effects of widespread market speculation. About a year ago, Thanksgiving conversations and news headlines focused on cryptocurrencies. Hundreds of thousands of Coinbase cryptocurrency brokerage accounts were opened just that weekend. Weeks later, the price was $ 20,000.

The allure of the investment in cryptocurrency was simple. It is easy to invest. Open an account, – do it on your phone – buy some money and wait for profit. Buy below, sell top – anyone can be a criptovalvestitore. In cryptography, there are no intermediaries to deal with, no regulation, and the crypt should be free of politics and boundaries. These are problematic notions are just a part of the underlying crypt-crisis. Most of the public and late game investors came into play as pure speculators. Bitcoin is not even a solid trading platform, that's why the bitcoin cash fork has arrived. As speculators do, 2018 was a year in which many short-range investors seem to have been abandoned, accepting their losses and moving away from encryption for the time being. For the outside world, 70, 80, 90 and 99 percent of the devaluations in the cryptocurrency seem terrible, and from an investment point of view it is. The value has never been the point.

Cryptocurrency: not dead, not done



Cryptocurrency alone promises an efficient, universally accessible, global system of decentralized financial transactions. In the meantime, today's traditional banking systems still take three, four or five days to link and transfer money in some cases. While there will always be some element of speculation, the value of the cryptocurrency is in the power of the transactions.

Financial institutions are currently working on how to exploit the blockchain and distributed registries to improve and protect transactions. Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency. Several technically superior coins have arrived and gone. Whether it's bitcoin, a sort of fork or another iterative cryptocurrency, this concept and its values ​​will be part of our world.

Privacy advocates and the minds of social media continue to integrate cryptoconcetti into platforms that exploit value utilities. This application is another case that shows that the value is in the transaction, not necessarily the medium.

New encryption

In an era not long ago, the Internet has come to change our lives forever. It took investment, hard work, vision and sometimes a bit of luck to realize those little things that add up to great things: shopping, sharing, media, business and the endless flow of things we do today with the Internet.

In an ideal world, purchases and transactions must be simple, reliable and secure. The incentives to get to that point are clear to consumers, banks and businesses. Decentralized technology and distributed registers will continue to unlock this future.

Cryptographic technologies, along with the blockchain and the distributed ledger, have just begun their journey. Future cryptocurrency innovators in industries across the spectrum have just started entering the labor market at this point. These investors, entrepreneurs and scientists will emerge from today's decentralized landscape and will combine the possibilities with the intelligent bargaining code, artificial intelligence and ubiquitous information platforms to create a new future that will change human experience.


FOMO: the fear of losing. It's a thing Nobody likes to be the last in something. There's an element of human behavior that shows how people go to terms with whatever the crowd is doing. When everyone starts running out of a cinema, you run too. Stupid things happen when the herd starts to run as $ 20,000 in value from uninformed and uninvestigated investors.

My occasional collaborator and crypto-figure John McAfee, once famous, said he would have eaten his dick on TV if the price of the bitcoin did not hit $ 1 million by the end of 2020. Considering its inclination to strong images, short-term cryptocurrency speculation is irresponsible, speculative and, in many cases, not it may be better than the game of chance. However, I can state that there is no doubt that, whatever the future, the crypt will be present and I will continue to maintain.

Highlighted image: Shutterstock

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