Crypto Exchange for high volume trading?


The crypt market is advancing rapidly enough since its foundation. Daily trading volumes have been estimated at USD 15 billion by August 2018. However, most participants still face major problems; in most cases, the exchanges they use to exchange a centralized one. This makes them vulnerable to security threats. They also have a rigid and rigid transaction process. The other option is decentralized exchange. These have greater security and flexibility, but they do not have enough control and processing.

What is Excolony?

Excolony it was created after examining the challenges that disturb centralized and decentralized exchanges. This platform uses an off-chain public engine to manage trading volumes and support complex orders. The purpose of the exchange is to offer compatibility between operators around the world and to create an ecosystem that allows to conduct transactions at low cost.

Excolony uses artificial intelligence to simplify high volume trading

Excolony's exchange will use artificial intelligence to facilitate the negotiation process. This will guarantee users real-time support at all times. Whether they are trying to change the password or need help with transactions, the AI ​​will offer support to ensure that the trading is uninterrupted.

The AI ​​will be the intermediary and will help the user to connect with the experts of Excolony and to acquire solutions to their problems when the AI ​​robot is not able to solve them. In addition, new users can contact AI assistants that will make it easier to understand how the platform works. This will be done using text and visual guides.

Management of the cryptographic exchange risk of Excolony

The platform will identify, analyze and prioritize any risk associated with encryption. As a result, it has implemented a systematic and cost-effective application of its resources to minimize, monitor and control the effects of certain events.

This risk management tool ensures that the unpredictable factors of cryptography will not affect trading. The brain of the machine can collect and understand huge amounts of data to predict the future. Therefore, it can alert users if there are any imminent risks. This will allow users to make informed trading decisions.

Methods of payment of excolony and smart contracts

Most central exchanges address security issues. The decentralized exchanges use smart contracts to overcome this problem. Helps ensure that the exchange process is secure. Excolony will use smart contracts to ensure that it takes care of security issues. This will ensure the anonymity of the ecosystem with lower transaction fees and much more.

In terms of payment methods, most exchanges only accept certain payment options. However, this exchange will maintain a solid network with the major global banks. It will guarantee deposits and withdrawals will be easy. This platform offers VISA options, Master Card and cryptographic transactions. The team is in contact with various payment gates in over 50 countries. This will ensure that it is easier to trade globally.

The exchange also supports over 20 languages. It also offers various support channels that include live chats, communities, forums, emails, social media calls and moderation.

Details of the ECCO for the Excacony EXC tokens

  • Token: EXC
  • Pre-ICO price: 1 EXC = 0.5 USD
  • Pre-ICO Date: October 7 – October 14 (50% bonus)
  • ICO price: 1 EXC = 0.5 USD
  • ICO Date: October 15th – November 30th (Bonus up to 30%)
  • Platform: X11
  • Accepted: ETH
  • Soft cap: 1,000,000 dollars
  • Hard cap: USD 12,500,000
  • Country: Belize

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