Crown lockout violation: Rita Ora wants to pay a fine of 12,000 francs for her illegal birth party


Singer Rita Ora imagined her 30th birthday a little different: without the crown pandemic, without the police, and without a media scandal.

Her world was still in order: superstars like Mick Jagger (77), Mariah Carey (50) or Idris Elba (48) congratulated Rita Ora on her 30th video message over the weekend.

Instagram / ritaora

  • Rita Ora invited about 30 people to her birthday party on Saturday.

  • The company celebrated in a trendy London restaurant until the early hours of the morning.

  • With this, the singer violated the rules of the crown in Great Britain.

  • “I am deeply sorry”, He now writes on Instagram and voluntarily wants to pay a fine of CHF 12,000.

For the thirtieth, a party with 30 friends: what normally sounds like a small intimate birthday party is almost a mass event in Corona’s time. If the local country is even still partially blocked, even illegal.

So it wasn’t long before the police showed up on Saturday at singer Rita Ora’s birthday party (30). According to “The Sun”, Scotland Yard confirmed that he was called to an address in London’s Notting Hill neighborhood at around 9pm, where applicable Crown rules had been violated.

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Police officers do not enter the pub

Numerous images available to the British newspaper show the scene of the momentous evening: famous friends such as the top model Cara Delevingne (28), her sister Poppy (34) and family members like Elena, Ora’s sister (32) gather at Casa Cruz in London to celebrate the singer. Equipped with bottles of alcohol and sometimes face masks, they enter the restaurant from the back entrance.

Other photos show two police officers peering out of the restaurant window and taking a look at the private party. It is said that they knocked on the windows and doors because they did not enter the restaurant. The employees wouldn’t notice them. And the head of Casa Cruz insists he knew nothing of the event.

“There were a number of guests who were all very charming and they entered the building from the back entrance, while security at the front made sure no one else entered,” reports an informant. “It lasted until the wee hours of the morning.”

“I am deeply sorry”

Rita Ora herself has also posted some photos and videos from her birthday, but it’s unclear if the recordings were taken at her private party:

Two days and several headlines later, she changed the tone of her Insta account – and regretted it. “I met some friends to celebrate my 30th birthday,” she says in her Instagram story. “It was a spontaneous decision made on the false assumption that we would soon be off the bat and that this would be fine.”

The official apology follows: “She is deeply sorry for breaking the rules.” You understand that action is a risk to others and you take “full responsibility” for it. “Even if it doesn’t compensate, I would like to sincerely apologize.”

According to insiders, Ora now voluntarily wants to pay the equivalent of around 12,000 francs.

Rita Ora apologizes via Insta-Story.

Rita Ora apologizes via Insta-Story.

Photo: Instagram / ritaora

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