Cristina Ferreira launches a petition and wants to reach the Assembly of the Republic – Actualidade


For Above Puta‘was the most recent book published by Cristina Ferreira, which has been talked about a lot. Address a problem on social networks: bullying. After giving an interview to ‘Jornal das 8’ where he talked about the subject, here, the presenter has already set to work and launched a petition for the subject to be discussed in the Assembly of the Republic.

“The petition has already been created. OR objective is to bring the matter to the Assembly of the Republic so that from the discussion we can see the need to apply the law or even to create new laws. Something will change, “he noted in the stories.

“I have received thousands of messages reporting personal stories of assaults and offenses. All report the incidents as traumatic and cause victims. self esteem. We are talking about thousands of anonymous people who feel represented in the voice that will arrive at the Assembly. For everyone. Something will change“, completed.

If you want to sign the petition you can do it to do-lo here.

Read also: “My son reads”: Cristina is thrilled to report a destructive campaign

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