Covid is not treated with antibiotics. What doctors warn Ulyanovsk residents


According to health professionals, only complications are treated with antibiotics.

Representatives of the regional Ministry of Health appealed to all residents of Ulyanovsk, especially patients with minor illnesses who are treated at home, with an appeal to immediately stop the widespread practice of unjustified taking antibiotics.

Many of our citizens have again confused cause and effect and come to the false conclusion that covid can be cured with antibiotics. To the fire are also added various “care schemes”, disseminated through social networks and instant messaging, where antibacterial drugs are indicated.

“The uncontrolled and in most cases unnecessary use of antibiotics in COVID-19 can cause more dangerous consequences than the pandemic itself,” warn freelance chief pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health of the Ulyanovsk region Irina Galushina, chief clinical pharmacologist freelance of the regional ministry of health Marina Kuzovenkova and clinical pharmacologist of Uokelovsk, Serge Kuzovenkova. As part of the World Antibiotic Awareness Week, which will take place from 18 to 24 November, the experts held a press conference at the press center of the Ulyanovskaya Pravda publishing house. NG chose several main questions that were broadcast on the air.

Why not treat Covid with antibiotics?

Why COVID-19 is a virus! They are fighting with antiviral drugs! Antibiotics are used to treat diseases caused by bacteria. People with covid or other viral infections only receive antibiotics if a secondary bacterial infection develops. Otherwise, their use is ineffective and even dangerous! Because in this case, antibiotics do not kill pathogenic bacteria, but those that are responsible for maintaining immunity. The weaker the immunity, the worse the body copes with the viral infection.

Unfortunately, according to doctors, the vast majority of patients admitted to Covid hospitals have tried to treat themselves with antibiotics.

Can you drink antibiotics by yourself, without a prescription?

Under no circumstances! Antibiotics should only be prescribed by a doctor who understands what your diagnosis is and what drug will help you. In many countries, antibacterial drugs are now only available by prescription.

Self-medication with antibiotics is unacceptable for several reasons. Firstly, it might just be useless – you don’t know what kind of pathogen lives inside you. It is not at all necessary for a disease with similar symptoms to be caused by the same bacteria. Secondly, the constant and uncontrolled intake of the same antibiotics leads to resistance: the bacteria stop responding to the drugs, which in turn complicates the treatment. Incidentally, this is now a global problem. Russians are not alone in prescribing drugs for themselves. Up to one million people die every year from antibiotic resistance!

According to doctors, in their practice there have been cases where people, unable to cure with one antibiotic, were taken for another, then for a third, or even more. Consequently, this posed a problem for doctors: how to treat such a patient now? As a rule, heavier drugs are used in such cases, with a large number of side effects.

Should I take antibiotics for disease prevention?

No, and the reasons are the same – the development of drug resistance and the destruction of beneficial bacteria, which leads not to an increase, but to a decrease in immunity. Antibiotics are drugs for treatment, not prevention.

Can antibiotics be stopped if they start to improve?

No, antibiotics are taken as a course, which allows you to completely overcome the pathogen. If you stop drinking them after the improvements start, the bacteria will be incomplete and the disease may recur. It is equally important to follow the antibiotic schedule. If it is said: three times a day, then every eight hours, if four – every six. If it is ordered to drink before meals, then two hours before meals. Because the effect of this or that drug depends on the environment within the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, it is not possible to reduce the dose of antibiotics by yourself. There is not a single accidental moment in the appointment of the drug!

Are antibiotics bad for the body?

Antibiotics have side effects. Caused by the same attack on beneficial bacteria. To reduce the consequences of taking antibiotics, it is worth taking prebiotic preparations that restore the microflora of the body. Doctors recommend drinking short-acting fermented milk products that contain lactic acid bacteria. It should be noted that antibiotics, like all drugs, can provoke allergic reactions. In this case, it is imperative to inform the doctor and he will decide to replace the drug. And the patient himself should write what type of medicine he is allergic to.

A complete rejection of antibiotics is immersion in the Middle Ages! Thanks to antibiotics, many diseases that were previously considered fatal are no longer so. A striking example is croup pneumonia and meningitis, which claimed thousands of lives before Ian Fleming’s discovery of penicillin.

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