COVID-19 would not have come from the Wuhan laboratory


A new batch of tests would show that the coronavirus that caused COVID-19 did not come from the Wuhan lab, its director said this week.

• Read also: [EN DIRECT] The latest developments on COVID-19

Shi Zhengli, the Chinese virologist known as “batwoman”, published this week in the magazine Nature an update of his research published in February on coronaviruses in mammals, the South China Morning Post.

The researchers carried out new tests on blood samples taken more than eight years ago from a group of minors who fell ill after being around bats, the media reported.

“We suspected that the patients were infected with an unknown virus. Therefore, we sampled animals, including bats, mice and musk shrews from the cave and its surroundings, “the update specifies South China Morning Post.

The results of this research showed that the genetic characteristics of the viruses, which Shi Zhengli and his team were working on, were not at the root of the current pandemic.

The director had been at the center of several speculations claiming that COVID-19 was conceived in her laboratory, during the escape of a natural bat virus.


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