Covid-19: we explain why the vaccine could be more effective in women


the essential
Many scientists agree that the future Covid vaccine may be more effective in women than in men. Where does this singularity come from? We are trying to explain it to you.

“In fact, Covid-19 vaccines are likely to be more effective in women.” The statement comes to us from Professor Jean-Daniel Lelièvre, head of the infectious diseases department of the Henri-Mondor hospital and also a member of the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS).

But beware, the professor, like the entire scientific community for which virology issues do not fall into a dark field, did not wait for the appearance of SARS-CoV-2 to discover this singularity. In fact, women have always been genetically predisposed to better fight infections. They are even doubly armed better.

A history of genetics

“Many genes for immunity are on the X chromosome. However, women have two X chromosomes, while men only have one,” continues the professor. This is what differentiates a man from a woman. This determines the sex and, in this case, generates a greater natural efficiency in women than men in the face of infections.

“We know that for a very large number of vaccines, the effectiveness is greater in women”, confirms Jean-Daniel Lelièvre. A truth that was further verified on November 18, when the first results of a study conducted by researchers from the Pasteur Institute and Strasbourg University Hospital on immunity were published. He concluded that the antibody level simply dropped faster in men than in women.

Another hypothesis was put forward to explain these differences between men and women, by Pr Samira Fafi-Kremer, director of the Strasbourg Institute of Virology at the origin of the study. “There may also be a hormonal explanation, maybe estrogen plays a role.” There is no doubt that many studies will focus on this phenomenon concerning Covid vaccines in the coming months.

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