COVID-19. Ten new dead in Alsace


According to data from Public Health France, this Thursday there were 771 patients hospitalized for Covid in Alsace, of which 518 in the Lower Rhine; 65 new patients were admitted within 24 hours and 11 admitted to intensive care. Alsace has 113 intensive care patients, including 84 in the Lower Rhine. Ten people hospitalized died of Covid between Wednesday and Thursday.

On Wednesday in Strasbourg there were 58 Covid patients in intensive care, out of 134 open beams at university hospitals; 64 of those beds were occupied by non-Covid patients, leaving 22 beds available. In hospital, in dedicated Covid units, 111 patients were treated out of 133 beds available. In addition, a further 51 Covid patients were distributed to other units, leading to a total of 220 Covid patients treated at the University Hospital of Strasbourg.

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