COVID-19: Register cases in Toronto and register hospitalizations in Ontario


No fewer than 622 cases of COVID-19 have been identified in the past 24 hours in Toronto, a record for a city in this province since the start of the pandemic, while the number of hospitalized patients in Ontario has peaked.

• Read also: All the developments in the COVID-19 pandemic

• Read also: COVID-19: increase in hospitalizations in Quebec

• Read also: COVID-19 in Quebec: 1,333 additional cases, 23 new deaths

The country’s most populous province announced on Monday that it had identified 1,746 infections in 24 hours, including 622 in Queen City, which reached this milestone exactly one week after entering full containment, which forced the overwhelming majority of stores to close. .

This is a record for a city in Ontario, but not Canada. Calgary (648 cases announced November 27) and Edmonton (803 cases announced November 27), Alberta, both experienced worse days since the pandemic began.

The Peel region, which specifically covers the cities of Mississauga and Brampton on the outskirts of Toronto and which is also frozen, broke its own record as of Thursday with 572 cases, but that number has gradually dropped to 390 since then. Monday.

Despite a steep drop in the death toll with eight deaths reported, the steadily growing number of cases in the province is worrying in hospitals. As of Monday, no fewer than 618 beds were occupied in Ontario hospitals, including 168 in intensive care. There are two records and the first time in the province they have exceeded 600 hospitalizations.

That said, although Ontario has recorded more cases per day than Quebec for nearly a month, Belle Province continues to amass more infected patients with 693 beds occupied in its hospitals. However, only 94 patients were in intensive care on Monday.

Additionally, Quebec has just improved its record by revealing 1,333 more cases and 23 deaths, figures that continue to keep Quebecs away from celebrating Christmas with their family.

Status quo in the Maritimes

Elsewhere in the country, the pandemic has shown little sign of abating. In the Maritimes, Nova Scotia remained the most affected province with 16 new cases, while New Brunswick has passed the 500 infection mark to date.

Canada had accumulated, by midday, 3,448 contaminations and 42 more deaths, for a total of 373,721 cases and 12,074 deaths.

The situation in Canada:

Quebec: 142,371 cases (7,056 deaths)

Ontario: 116,492 cases (3,656 deaths)

Alberta: 56,444 cases (533 deaths)

British Columbia: 30,884 cases (395 deaths)

Manitoba: 16,825 cases (312 deaths)

Saskatchewan: 8,239 cases (45 deaths)

Nova Scotia: 1,305 cases (65 deaths)

New Brunswick: 501 cases (7 deaths)

Newfoundland and Labrador: 337 cases (4 deaths)

Nunavut: 181 cases

Prince Edward Island: 72 cases

Yukon: 45 cases (1 death)

Northwest Territories: 15 cases

Canadian returnees: 13 cases

Total: 372,721 cases (12,074 deaths)

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