Covid-19, malaria, dengue, cobra bite … the misadventures of a British in India


A Briton working in India is paralyzed and blind from a life-threatening cobra bite and a host of other health problems. A request for donations has been launched to finance her treatment.

Fate seems to befall Ian Jones. The Isle of Wight Brit has been in India for a few months now, where he runs a fair trade company that sells local produce in the UK. This former caregiver is currently hospitalized in intensive care after being bitten by a king cobra in a village near Jodphur, in the state of Rajasthan, and cannot be repatriated to his country due to travel restrictions due to the Covid pandemic. 19, of which he himself is ill.

Blind and paralyzed

The potentially fatal bite caused him to lose the use of his legs and left him blind, according to the donations page launched online to fund his medical bills. Two symptoms his son, Seb Jones, hopes will be “temporary”. He explains in a text accompanying the appeal for donations that his father, whom he calls a “fighter”, was also sick with malaria and dengue. These health problems have in no way altered his “determination to stay in this country and continue to help the people who need it,” he says. At noon on Friday, the online jackpot showed more than £ 8,000 in donations, the amount hoped for when it opened on Thursday.

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