COVID-19 has changed their lives


As the second wave of COVID-19 strikes, hundreds of Quebecs continue to suffer months after being infected with the virus, some marked by physical or psychological consequences.

“I defeated the coronavirus, but at what a price! »Launches Jacques Goupil after 40 days of coma and a loss of 70 pounds.

This 68-year-old bus driver is among fifteen survivors who generously agreed to confide in the magazine on the traces that the virus has left on their bodies and in their minds.

Tiredness, difficulty concentrating, and heart or lung problems are the majority of people between the ages of 23 and 72 with the long form of the disease we have spoken with.

Great price to pay

But many pay a higher price. Among them, a 59-year-old mechanic who has to deal with “an uneven foot” and a paralyzed part of his face.

“I still have a little voice in my head that says: will everything go back to normal? »Breathe Jean-François Gagnon.

Georges Aguiar, 47, already knows he will never get back to full use of his hand. Young retired from education, François Quenot was finally able to walk again four months after being infected. Some of his muscle mass is “lost forever” after 68 days of intensive therapy.

Anguish of the unknown

For others, it is the anguish of the unknown.

“I’d like to say a few words, but it doesn’t come out like it used to. It destabilizes me enormously, “says Marie-Isabelle Marchand. At 53, she is learning again to talk to a speech therapist, who uses an answering machine message to help her find her voice.

At 23 and struggling with brain inflammation, Camille Cusson doesn’t know when she will be able to resume her nursing career. Sandra Leblond is also concerned about persistent cognitive problems.

“I fear it will remain permanent; It’s been months and it’s not getting better, ”says the 32-year-old mother.

How will this type of side effect evolve?

“There are a number of unknowns. If a side effect takes five years to appear, for example, you can’t accelerate it, “says Dr.r Francois Marquis.

A lottery

No wonder Caroline Marceau compares this disease to “a lottery”.

“It is true that people will do well. But you don’t know how you will react ”, explains the 41-year-old mother, who still suffers from palpitations after eight months.

“I am in the statistics of the recovered, but there are also borrowers, and there are many in titi”, adds Violaine Cousineau, 46 and a mother of two children, who can no longer express herself without a faint voice, has not more breath.

The long form of COVID-19 “is not a figment of the imagination, insists cardiologist Eric Sabbah. We see people unable to resume their lives even after several weeks, “he says.

Recent articles from Journal of the American Medical Association and you British Medical Journal estimates that nearly 10% of patients experience symptoms months after being infected.


Jean-François Gagnon | 59 years old

  • Hospitalized 53 days
  • 18 days in a coma
  • Left foot very weak
  • Half face paralyzed
  • He developed tachycardia

Jacques Goupil | 68 years old

  • 41 days of coma
  • You lost 70 lbs
  • He has relearned to walk, eat and talk
  • Breathless
  • Paralyzed vocal cords

Camille Cusson | 23 years

  • On sick leave for more than 6 months
  • Tiredness, headache and difficulty concentrating
  • Diagnosis of encephalopathy

Francis Brizard | 57 years old

  • 12 days of coma
  • Paralyzed vocal cords
  • He had to undergo a tracheostomy after his intubation
  • Lack of energy

Marie-Isabelle Marchand | 53 years old

  • Difficulty making certain sounds
  • Still suffering from fatigue
  • Experience cognitive problems

Caroline Marceau | 41 years old

  • He has a heart condition
  • Often out of breath
  • Stunned only as I walked
  • He experiences a lot of anxiety

François Quenot | 62 years old

  • 68 days in intensive care
  • Five weeks in a coma
  • Muscle mass lost forever
  • Weakness and little resistance

Sandra Leblond | 32 years old

  • Problems with concentration
  • Memory loss
  • Quickly out of breath if he tries to play with his children

Sophie Huppe | 45 years

Photo Didier Debusschère

  • Fatigue and headache persist
  • The blackouts lasted for 5 months
  • He loses his breath at the slightest physical effort

Violaine Cousineau | 46 years old

Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

  • Reduced lung capacity
  • Heart murmur detected
  • Difficulty walking and talking

Pedro Barbosa | 51 years old

Photo Agence QMI, Dominick Gravel

  • Hearing ability lost
  • The taste and smell have not yet returned to normal
  • Fatigue forces him to take daily naps

Michel Lapierre | 72 years old

  • Hospitalized 60 days
  • 30 days of coma
  • 40 pounds lost
  • Lack of energy
  • He had to retire

We know we die from it, but we know less about the consequences of the survivors

Photo courtesy of Sylvain Durocher

Experts warn of the still unknown physical consequences and psychological distress the virus can leave behind.

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The face is paralyzed six months later

Surviving intensive care was only the first round of a long fight against COVID-19, a 50-year-old learned that he has yet to resume full use of one leg as well as having half of his face paralyzed six months after his hospitalization.

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A COVID-19 miracle worker who had to relearn to walk … and eat

Jacques Goupil hardly ever woke up. On three occasions, his doctors predicted his death, not knowing what to do to help him beat the disease. After 40 days in a coma and 70 pounds less, the 68-year-old has won the biggest fight of his life, but not at any cost.

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Just 23 years old and already forced to suspend her nursing career

A nurse in her twenties had to suspend her studies as well as being absent from work for six months due to a COVID-19 infection that hit her.

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A lifetime tracheostomy?

More than eight months after contracting COVID-19, Francis Brizard still does not know if one day we will be able to remove the tracheostomy that the virus bequeathed to him.

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The answering machine to know your voice

A nursing assistant who has lost the use of her voice as well as having speech problems since her infection is now followed up in speech therapy, where she is still learning to speak, seven months later.

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She recovered from COVID-19, but is still mortgaged

Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

“I am in the statistics of the healed, but there are also the mortgaged, and we are numerous in titi”, murmurs Violaine Cousineau, unable to raise her voice, choked with shortness of breath.

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A survivor’s long journey to recovery

Plunged for more than a month in a coma due to COVID-19, a new retiree who wanted to discover the world has quite come close to death.

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His heart has not yet recovered from this trauma

A mother, whose heart still bears the consequences of her COVID-19 infection, fears that the shortness of breath and heart palpitations she’s been feeling since then will never go away.

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Sudden hair loss months later

People who thought they were done with COVID-19 had the unpleasant surprise of experiencing an intense bout of hair loss months after contracting the virus.

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The agent of an artist who cannot hear

Photo Agence QMI, Dominick Gravel

Having lost both smell and taste, a music artist manager, who has lost the ability to hear certain frequencies from his battle with COVID-19, is now hoping to regain his hearing.

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The miracle of the Cité-de-la-Santé is not out of danger

Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

A man who was in a coma for a month in the spring from COVID-19 is still trying to recover 100% of his form in the midst of the second wave of the pandemic.

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They forget everything many months later

Photo: Chantal Poirier and Didier Debusschère

Women who continue to live with concentration and memory problems after suffering from COVID-19 fear that these effects may later affect their brains.

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The nerve in his hand forever destroyed

A father affected by the virus will never recover full use of his left hand again due to the way he was positioned during the 15 days he spent in a coma.

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