COVID-19. Encouraging elements in Toulouse and Occitania, but the epidemic remains high


The situation is much better in the hospital, where there has been a decline in hospitalizations.
The situation is much better in the hospital, where there has been a decrease in hospitalizations. (© Maxime Noix / News Toulouse)

” Yup, containment and curfew made it possible to significantly limit the spread of Covid-19 in Toulouse and in Occitania, ”he explains Pierre Remembereau, director of ARS Occitanie. Twenty days after the start of the second hospitalization, the situation is less tense.

A less tense situation in hospitals

First benefit from the drop in the incidence rate and the spread of the virus, less stressed hospitals.

Pierre Remembereau explains that ” new hospital admissions decreased by 30% in the last week in Occitania ”, while the numbers in intensive care are stable.

Still many deaths in nursing homes

In nursing homes, the situation is still problematic, as Pierre Rememberau explains: “It’s always there 210 clusters in Occitania, or a quarter of nursing homes. Last week, 165 deaths of nursing home residents were recorded«.

“We are in the middle of the road”

An indicator allows us to understand this improvement and where we are compared to the first wave, according to the director of the ARS: ” The positivity rate is 13% for the entire Occitania region, while in many sectors it had exceeded 20%, even 30% in the worst “.

An encouraging sign, but not yet sufficient: ” At the end of the first confinement, this indicator was less than 1%. We are in the middle of the path. But the epidemic is still high. As far as shelters are concerned, we remain on a plateau, with a very slight decline ”.

Differences between departments and within departments

In Occitania, the situation is not the same for everyone, observes Pierre Remembereau ” a staggered program within the region and departments«.

The sectors that have seen the fastest measurements, like Toulouse, where the bars were closed, curfew, then imprisonment they are doing better overall. Currently, in Toulouse, the positivity rate is between 10 and 15%, as in Montpellier.

Sectors where the contamination later occurred have more problems, such as Gard, Lozère and Hautes-Pyrénées. ” The curfew doesn’t explain everything, says the director of the ARS. There are some situations that we cannot explain ”.

No groups in the demonstrations

Events took place in Toulouse, where several thousand people had gathered they do not appear to have had an impact on the infection : “As far as we know, no bunches have returned to us from an event”, explains Pierre Remembereau.

A strategy for the arrival of vaccines is being prepared

The director of the ARS concluded his evaluation by evoking the arrival of vaccines, in particular that of Pfizer “which could be placed on the market starting from December”.

“A strategy is being developed,” he says. Vaccination priorities will be established, for frail people, or people who work in the health sector “.

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