Covid-19 – Catalonia does not rule out the closure of bars and restaurants if cases do not stop next week


While they are currently positive, Catalonia has warned that if monitoring indicators for the coronavirus outbreak do not continue to decline next week, the reopening of indoor bars, restaurants, cinemas, theaters and other sports activities would be questioned.

Less than a week after the first decontamination phase, Catalonia sees the indicators for monitoring the Covid-19 epidemic follow a relatively regular downward slope.

But this Thursday the health councilor, Alba Vergès, and that of the Interior, Miquel Sàmper, recalled that the data must continue to decline or the deconfinement would be paused.

Currently at 0.77, the “R” that measures the transmission rate of the virus should remain below 0.9 (meaning one infected person infects less than one).

Hospital admissions will also have to continue to decrease, as will the number of new cases of contamination which will have to remain below 1,000 per day.

The deconfinement plan is reviewed every two weeks in order to validate (or not) the transition to the next level.

Sanctions in bars and restaurants

The internal councilor of Catalonia also warned that sanctions will now be taken by the Mossos for those who do not respect the limit of four people at tables in bars and restaurants. The limit may be greater for people living in the same household.

If Catalonia puts its fists on the table and reminds its people of the rules of the game, it is because the long holiday weekend of the Purissíma is looming next week. Important festivals in Catalonia that favor family reunions which could be as many groups.

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