COVID-19 Cases Active: Ottawa Returns to September Levels | Ottawa | News | The right


S.Public Health Ottawa (SPO) indicates in its daily report on virus transmission that 23 positive results have been recorded on a screening test in the past 24 hours.

Combined with an increase in the number of cases resolved, there are now 259 known active cases of OPS in Ottawa, or 47 people diagnosed with the virus – and still not considered cured – fewer than Wednesday.

Of this group of individuals who have contracted COVID-19, 23 people are currently hospitalized, including 3 in intensive care.

The SPO has no deaths from the new coronavirus to report Thursday. It hadn’t happened since Sunday.

According to the SPO daily report, 29 factories and workplaces in the federal capital are affected by a COVID-19 outbreak. This list includes the Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Center, 8 long-term care homes and 6 schools. The full list of locations with an outbreak is available on the dashboard updated daily by SPO. (

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