Covid-19: caregivers do not want to relive the first decontamination


How to be clear with your patients when you get lost in the instructions? “The tests, the isolation, everything was confused after the first hospitalization. We want everything, except to relive it, “breathes Dr. Mady Denantes, a general practitioner in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, in her calm voice.

Consistency, practicality and resources. This is the wish of France Assos Santé, a group of 85 associations of healthcare users, and of several doctors appealing to the Defense Council, gathered this morning by Emmanuel Macron before his televised speech at 20:00. The president will establish a progressive plan to ease the restrictions.

Of course, the news is less bad: the number of contaminations is falling, rapid antigen tests are being deployed and the prospect of a vaccine is approaching, as evidenced by Monday’s breakthrough of a third candidate for injection (AstraZeneca, after Pfizer and Moderna) . “But we must be able to decontaminate, otherwise it will be a third and then a fourth epidemic with disastrous consequences”, already fears Claude Rambaud, vice president of France Assos Santé.

Rather than a general re-containment …

So what’s better than involving citizens in reflection? What emerges from their appeal is in particular the desire to strengthen the isolation of the sick and their cases of contact, with “the establishment of a total restriction of movements and visits, under control and reduced”. at the time of contagiousness “.

The proposal is strong, Claude Rambaud knows: “Rather than a new generalized confinement of an entire population, it is better to strictly restrict each case to a few days, in a safe and adequate environment. The key word is: support. “Because, for the powerful federation, one does not go without the other: to the authorities to create the” material and human “conditions of isolation. Among these, the guarantee for the coronavirus positive person to have no loss of wages . “Otherwise for some, not going to work is not an option, sick or not. Get life support, paid for by the day. Without compensation, she will go. It is the very principle of reality. Today isolation is a luxury that not everyone they can afford, ”emphasizes Claude Rambaud.

“Protection also involves helping infected people, who can go as far as shopping. We have to act on a case by case basis, see what it is negotiable with everyone, ”adds Mady Denantes, who supports the deployment and expansion of the Covisan system, a network of volunteers created by the Paris Hospitals (AP-HP) to provide contact tracking and personalized support.

“This requires a massive increase in the number of people assigned to search for contact cases, too few today,” says Jean-Pierre Thierry, public health physician and medical consultant for France Assos Santé. In South Korea, the government has recruited 2,400 more people to manage the only gigantic cluster of Daegu, formed after a religious rally! “

“Until now, isolation has been the poor relative of the triptych test – trace – isolate. Now we have to make it a big hit. The more we accompany him, the more he will walk. Consequently, the end of yoyo games with the virus ”, points out geneticist Axel Kahn.

Involve citizens

“We must involve citizens in this process”, assures Vincent Maréchal, professor of virology at the Sorbonne University. More than coercion, I believe in explanation. Already repeat where we are. When to isolate myself? As soon as the first symptoms appear, even if I have not yet taken the test. How long? Seven days. A little longer if I’m in contact. And the virus specialist makes a welcome reminder: “In all of this there is one thing to remember: barrier gestures, removal, hand hygiene, mask. Without them, we cannot break the chains of contamination.”

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