Covid-19 and nicotine, research conducted by AP-HP.


Could the e-cigarette protect its users from a severe form of covid-19 (coronavirus)? Since April 10, when France has not completed its first month of imprisonment, the question arises about the role of nicotine in the protection against covid-19. Today three studies, two of which are already underway, will try to answer this question!


This is a theory that the AP-HP (Public Assistance – Paris Hospitals) researchers will try to demonstrate through three studies, two of which are already underway. They consist in distributing as many nicotine patches to non-smokers as there are placebos.

The first two studies concern patients already affected by Covid-19, hospitalized in a care unit (Nicovid study) and in an intensive care unit (Nicovid Rea). ” The goal is to know whether nicotine protects patients from progression to a poor prognosis “, highlighted Zahir Amoura, head of the department of internal medicine 2, autoimmune and systemic diseases of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris.

The third study (Nicovid Prev) will focus on 1,633 non-smokers (doctors and hospital staff, private doctors, nursing home staff). They too will wear nicotine patches, or placebos, for about six months: ” Let’s take a population exposed to the risk of having Covid, specifies the professor. The idea is to see if applying these patches causes fewer infections. “.

If the results are conclusive, the prospect of developing a nicotine-based treatment might be considered.

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