Covid-19: a “recession” finally visible at the Rodez hospital


Six people with the coronavirus were still in intensive care on Thursday at the Rodez hospital.

If it is too early to claim victory in the face of the second epidemic wave – “It’s not behind us and it’s not over”, Health Minister Olivier Véran also recalled this Wednesday morning – the first encouraging signs of the current imprisonment are made hear in French hospitals. In Rodez, we can finally talk “Recession”, with the number of patients treated declining in recent days. Currently, 22 people with the coronavirus occupy beds in Covid areas and six people were still in intensive care this Thursday at 2pm, up from eight earlier in the week. Earlier this week, the Regional Health Agency in Occitania also specified it “For the first time since this summer, the main epidemiological surveillance indicators of Covid-19 are falling.”

Mitigate the deprogramming, the other problem

“Sure, we are seeing a decline, but we are still very close to the highest levels known since the outbreak began. More than ever, the government’s barrier gestures and measures must be respected to see the curve continue to decline in the weeks to come. “explains the director of the hospital, Vincent Prévoteau. For the latter, the other stakes are also in non-Covid interventions, after a strong deprogramming during this second wave (70%). “We must recover as quickly as possible for the delay, that of this second wave but also of the first”he says on the eve of a traditionally busy holiday season for hospitals.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, said at a press conference this Thursday at noon that “The next five weeks will be decisive”.

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