Coronavirus was four times more contagious than influenza: Company: Russia:


The contagiousness of the coronavirus is four times higher than that of the flu. The chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health Alexey Mazus said, according to the Izvestia newspaper.

He noted that despite these figures, up to 80% of infected people suffer from the disease in a mild form and many do not even know about their disease. It is for this reason that it is important to undergo infection tests. “The question of diagnostics is important, first of all, not even for them, but for their grandparents. Because for the elderly this infection is quite serious and formidable, ”explained the doctor.

Mazus added that in the past six months in Russia and other countries it has been possible to start work on early detection of the infection, learn how to treat infected people and thereby reduce mortality.

Previously, Russian doctors had noticed the flu disappeared during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mostly, coronavirus-related pathogens such as rhinovirus and parainfluenza have been reported. Furthermore, coronavirus infection has been found to displace competitors such as cancers as well. According to doctors, in some patients with early stage cancer after coronavirus treatment, the indications for chemotherapy have disappeared.

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