Coronavirus: They create a nasal spray that prevents the spread of the coronavirus


COVID-19 :

Scientific research continues to make significant progress in the fight against the pandemic. In the UK, a team from the University of Birmingham’s Healthcare Technologies Institute worked to create an aerosol capable of providing protection against the coronavirus and test results proved the effectiveness of this tool.

The aerosol was created using existing compounds commonly used in medical devices, food products and drugs. The study conducted by scientists of this British institution details cell culture experiments intended to test the solution’s ability to inhibit infection, as explained by Medical Writing.

Prevents viruses for up to 48 hours

The researchers found that viral cell cultures inhibited the infection for up to 48 hours after being treated with the solution. “This spray is made with off-the-shelf products that are already used in food and medical products and we have deliberately incorporated these conditions into our design process. Means that, With the right partners, we could start mass production in a few weeks ”. said lead author of the study, Richard Moakes.

The spray is composed of two polysaccharide polymers. One of them is an antiviral agent called carrageenan, element commonly used in food as a thickener, and the other is a solution called gellan. The latter is a component that has the ability to spray droplets inside the nose, where it is able to remain stable without slipping.

“Even though our noses filter thousands of liters of air every day, there isn’t much protection against infection and most airborne viruses are transmitted through the nasal passages. The spray we have formulated provides that protection, but it can also prevent the virus from spreading from person to person. “ says another of the study’s authors, Liam Grover.

Easy to remove

According to the researchers, The aerosol is able to capture the virus by coating it inside the nasal cavity, allowing it to be removed simply by ingesting or blowing the nose. In addition, it prevents the body from absorbing the virus thanks to its encapsulation in the viscous layer of the aerosol, it can therefore also be removed with a handkerchief.

In this way, The viral load in the body and the possibility of passing the virus to other people are also reduced if you sneeze or cough in an enclosed space. For this reason, scientists believe that its use will be particularly recommended in places such as airplanes, trains and even in schools, as it could prevent further infections.

However, they point out that the aerosol is “a second layer of protection”, which does not imply that measures such as the use of masks and hand hygiene are no longer applied, factors that “will continue to be vital to preventing the spread of the virus,” says Richard Moakes.

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